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New Year’s Limerick Garland

"What's your New Year's resolution?" "From last year, what's your evolution?" Now that New Year's here, That's what we'll get to hear - Just what you want after a vacation. I once tried to eat only healthy food, Thought that'll do me a world of good; I did cut down on junk And lived like a monk - But then stopped, as it spoiled my mood. Then I thought I'll keep my house clean, Grow some plants and keep them all green; But of course, I was lazy And must have been crazy - Even "drinking water" isn't a routine. Since then I've realised one thing - Any big change, a single day can't bring; If you really wish to grow, Take it steady and slow; Start now - don't wait for new year to ring.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 1/7/2024 5:40:00 PM
Dear Veena, I enjoyed your clever limerick garland and it's fun and inspiring message. Congratulations for your wonderful win in Silent One's contest. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
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Date: 1/3/2024 12:21:00 PM
Nicely done which contest did these get a NA? This wasn't really a contest, but an opportunity to showcase an Na poem..
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Date: 1/1/2024 11:46:00 PM
Enjoyed your poem and agree with nice and slow.
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