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Written for the prompt " Nepenthe" sponsored by Edward Ibeh. 

P o e t r y the timeless nepenthe to my aching soul, a cluster of calming couplets caressing the ventricular vortex within my heart. When dark is the dawn, when cold is the air, and heavy is the garnet I wear around fatigued fingers, eager to release the suppressed scars that linger… Tonight, I listen to the wind whisper to the waves, verses of the sea sapphires mirroring the sanguine sun~ rendered with rhinestones and rustic rose gold, as the quill of kismet drips droplets of chocolate diamonds, a perfumed prism of petal-like promises urging my pining silhouette to pirouette amongst crisp light of Feng Shui chimes, emanating a hibiscus harmony composed from forget-me-not blues, as twilight envelops this canvas in eucalyptus euphoria, awakening pigments of peace from a balmy palette of an artist painting letters of love in relentless red. And as the moon slowly wanes, leaving a starry reverie embellished with emeralds, I listen to the redolent rhymes rippling with unscripted solace, like Van Gogh’s fields flourishing with fragrant flowers, amidst the angst veiled between butterfly strokes of citrine and lime green. So let these metaphors from my mellifluous muse, be coated with neon stars, as the mind heals to the melody of melancholy~ my sweet e s c a p e from poisoned vines tangled around amethyst anklets, rustling with resonant refrains~ for here in this cathartic maze, I’ve found an ethereal retreat~ soaked in elixirs kissed by the singing streaks of Luna.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 3/3/2025 2:31:00 AM
Beautifully penned as always Ink, congratulations
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Date: 3/2/2025 11:41:00 AM
Heartiest congratulations on your top win in my contest with this masterpiece. Inky. It's always a pleasure reading your poems as you pack them with stunning imagery, metaphors and alliteration; not one word is wasted. Bravo!
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Date: 2/15/2025 4:02:00 PM
Ohhh I want to see those chocolate diamonds. You do so fantastically with Edwards prompts. I don't even know what nepenthe means. Gotta look it up along with a few other words he gave us. This will win for sure, Ink
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Date: 2/15/2025 1:56:00 PM
Hello Ink, This is a brilliant piece , beautifully written and a great read. Wishing you a fabulous weekend, my friend. Sending Blessings your way.
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Date: 2/15/2025 12:13:00 PM
IE, poetry does make us feel better...both reading and writing it. I'm not absolutely certain which I like more as an aid to feeling good. I do get a big kick out of leaving comments. As I read more and more poems, I am beginning to conclude that we all have a lot in common. Everyone would like to see peace, justice, fairness, and an opportunity for all to live well. There's also a desire for companionship and love. There are odes to nature. It's all very pleasure inducing and yours especially.
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Date: 2/14/2025 3:47:00 PM
I'm beginning to lose words to praise how great your poems are. "rippling with unscripted solace, like Van Gogh’s fields flourishing with fragrant flowers." Lovely written. I love the metaphors and how this was woven. Listening to the wind is an act of the peak of creativity. Especially the opening line. I love it.
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Ink Empress
Date: 2/15/2025 7:03:00 AM
Awwn thank you so much for your kindness and generous support sweet tonye iv missed reading you and having you here truly . Grateful always
Date: 2/14/2025 1:06:00 PM
Beautiful - I would not expect anything else from you other than beautiful <3
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Ink Empress
Date: 2/15/2025 7:03:00 AM
Awn thank you always
Date: 2/14/2025 10:44:00 AM
I enjoyed reading your wonderful "Nepenthe" write. Great Ending... "Good Luck" Hope you have a Blessed Valentine’s Day as you write away..................
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Ink Empress
Date: 2/15/2025 7:09:00 AM
Thank you so much dear paula
Date: 2/14/2025 9:11:00 AM
"the suppressed scars that linger…" -- poetry is indeed, cathartic -- and with such release we find room for new inspiration to pour rushing in. Poetry can free us from prisms of old capture. "awakening pigments of peace from a balmy palette of an artist painting letters of love" At our core is God~ no greater artist! At the divine core, our source of being, no greater inspiration and indestructible relationship. Only we can interfere, no outside force has dominion over us. God and you are a majority. Great writing my friend.
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Ink Empress
Date: 2/15/2025 7:16:00 AM
Thank you so much dear joe always for your thoughtful and kind comments, grateful for your poetic presence always
Date: 2/14/2025 8:40:00 AM
You are the Queen of metaphors IE, beautiful imagery too. If only such a drug existed to take all our troubles away. Good luck in the contest and have a lovely weekend. Tom
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Ink Empress
Date: 2/15/2025 7:25:00 AM
Thats such a massive compliment dear tom, thank you so very much truly
Date: 2/14/2025 6:43:00 AM
poetry can be a blessing experience here, so rich and creative is your poem, i loved all images and sources like Van Gogh, well done poet
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Ink Empress
Date: 2/15/2025 7:26:00 AM
Thank you so much iv got van gogh lately on my mind hence why the use of that line appreciate your support truly
Date: 2/14/2025 4:37:00 AM
Interesting use of Nepenthe and start to your poem... Isnt poetry a perfect way to portray our sorrow to release the hurt and helps us to process it... but do we ever forget,? I like your use of colours and objects like "chocolate diamonds," "hibiscus harmony," and "eucalyptus euphoria." It enhances the dreamlike quality of the poem, blending art, nature, and emotion. The mention of Van Gogh’s fields and "fragrant flowers" suggests that like the artist, you find beauty even in the midst of suffering.. Best of luck in the contest dear..
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Date: 2/14/2025 2:18:00 AM
Streaks of Luna . Beautiful
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