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A deceptive kiss of bliss led to my nemesis, my wanweird, falling in to your devilish abyss, Algae covers a stony heart in a ocean of tears for you, I don't know why, but why was I dumb enough to care to bare to heed the the devils snare ,to let your whisssssper your snake deception in my ear, I swear don't ever call me again asking me to be your friend insidiously making propitiatory gestures for us to be lovers again, stop trying to lure me in to the lions den because back then I was your lover, friend and including a man for you, I would have redundantly parted stubborn sand for you and if you desired four hundred and thirty six grains to be in your hand made hour glass I would have counted&counted grains of sand ,for you but now I count grains of pain riding a saddened moon the loom of nebulous insanity, I was blindly loyal to you, a person I seen to be royal so for you I toiled in your hells kitchen of brimstone, till I boiled and became like a prune shriveled and soiled in nothingness,your so nonchalant an peccant I shall never again be your lover or friend......

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 6/5/2012 5:34:00 AM
Intense!!!! Brilliant write here DrUnKeN POeT!!!
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Date: 6/4/2012 9:35:00 PM
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOA..... this is DEEP Elliott! Wow... this was too good; extremely passionate. In my fav's <3
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The Drunken Poet Avatar
Elliott Bowe The Drunken Poet
Date: 6/4/2012 9:41:00 PM
Date: 6/4/2012 9:20:00 PM
wow, I love this one and how it just kept going and going. I could envision you rapping it or something. Very good, Elliott!!
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The Drunken Poet Avatar
Elliott Bowe The Drunken Poet
Date: 6/4/2012 9:42:00 PM
Thank you honey!!!!!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry