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Nelson Mandela

NELSON MANDELA N-National E-Endearing L-Leader, S-Society’s O-Optimum N-Nostrum M-Mythical A-Apostolic N-Negotiator, D-Divinity’s E-Emissary, L-Liberty’s A-Apotheosis! © Demetrios Trifiatis 07 DECEMBER 2013 GREAT MEN NEVER DIE! Dem. Trifiatis

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 12/14/2013 12:28:00 AM
awesome one word lines on this great man!!! Loved the final thing you said. Great men never die.
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 12/14/2013 1:38:00 AM
Thank you, Andrea, for your heartfelt comment!
Date: 12/13/2013 5:31:00 PM
Stellar, Demetrios!! 7 my best, chuck
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 12/13/2013 6:33:00 PM
Thank you, Chuck! You are so generous and kind!
Date: 12/8/2013 1:33:00 AM
Great tribute to the great man. It couldn't have been told in a better way, Demetrios. This is a smasher. Sorry for losing a Great man. Our hearts are bleeding! Friend, JM
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 12/8/2013 5:13:00 AM
My friend, Joseph, you so generous and kind! Thank you for your visit and gracious comment!
Date: 12/8/2013 1:06:00 AM
Excellent. You are right and well penned. Tfs
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 12/8/2013 5:12:00 AM
Thank you, Ravi, for your heartfelt comment!
Date: 12/7/2013 8:09:00 AM
Yes, a wonderful an has found a well deserved rest. His memory lives one. Lovely tribute, my dear poet.
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 12/7/2013 9:23:00 AM
Yes, he deserves to rest in peace for peace to this world has he brought! Thank you my dear Eileen. Me agape!
Date: 12/7/2013 7:48:00 AM
- Our world has lost its greatest son. - Our people have lost a father. - Rest in peace, Nelson Mandela. - A honorably poem, Demetrios. - oxox // Anne-Lise :)
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 12/7/2013 9:21:00 AM
Yes, Anne Lise, how right you are! Thank you for your visit and kind comment!
Date: 12/7/2013 6:21:00 AM
This is a fabulous dedication to an endearing man! Mandela was, or is, a prime example of what a leader should be like, a true humanitarian! You poem exemplifies this to a 'T' my friend! I really enjoyed reading this fantastic write this morning! What a brilliant piece, Great Work!!
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 12/7/2013 9:08:00 AM
My friend , Russell I knew you would have those strong feelings for such a man. He is the inspiration of the world of the future! Thank you for your visit and your gracious comment!
Date: 12/7/2013 5:55:00 AM
You are so right Demetrios . Men like him only come along once in a life time. Anne
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 12/7/2013 9:08:00 AM
Thank you dear, Anne, you so right and so kind!
Date: 12/7/2013 5:40:00 AM
Thank you for this dedication to the beloved and much revered father of our nation, my dear friend. Our country mourns his passing away. He advocated freedom not only for his own children but for all of humanity's downtrodden. May his gentle and forgiving soul rest in peace. Indeed the great lives on! Hamba kahle, Tata (go well, Father).
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 12/7/2013 9:06:00 AM
Dear Licia, you should be proud that your country has given birth to such a Giant a Fighter of Freedom of Honesty and of Integrity! You mourn his passing away but men like Mandela never die. They belong to the world and the entire world mourns with you! My warmest consolations! Thank you for visiting!
Date: 12/7/2013 5:09:00 AM
In India we call him South African Gandhi, From Prisoner to President, Demetrios
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Demetrios Trifiatis
Date: 12/7/2013 8:59:00 AM
Yes, Dr. Ram, and with good reason you called him that! Thank you for visiting!

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