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Nazis, the Polish,Hitler and Us

Tortured, beyond torture. Considered , non Aryan, too. Thousands shot daily Piles of their bones, so dogs could chew! Hitler figured a better way! Camps would be of no dismay. Using slave labor, no shame! Matthausen, being of most fame. Carrying heavy bricks, Up 186 steps thick 300,00 perished there! Moustached, Hitler, just stared Oh, a famous maniac plus ..was he! Crystal meth, in his veins ran free. Himmler, unmerciful to Jews. No right to life for them to choose. Many knew....but afraid to speak Just like today, shh!! Truthful people might get shot. With DC TYRANNY in charge, This is our lot? Hide the truth, go ahead. Shame on you, choosing falsity instead. Advocates of American poison... People losing jobs by the hundreds! Americans need not Gestapos be. “Take the poison, after all, it’s free.” You look-upon the unvaxxed, as Hitler did the Jews? So horribly, incredibly CNN-ized are you. Propaganda, false narratives are de jour. Throw the unvaxxed in the darkest of sewers? Let us not support the Iron Dome? Let all Israelies perish in fiery homes? Like Hitler, you so applaud to see, Death against unvaxxed humaniigy? I weep to see poets weak poetry. You, who stare at me questioningly! On politics, you run like scared bunnies! Only you cherish that fool in the White House, not as sweet as bee honey, The one who’s taking all your cash, But oK if Hunter takes illegal money. And smokes all kinds of stash Joe is cracked to the core! As America becomes his killing fields, Americans follow a new Hitler, right to death’s door! People who had the vaxx, In USA hospitals, with the variant lie! Whilst poets dismiss any such thing Loving clouds, more than human beings You creating salty tearsI In this poetess’s brown eyes. Worse, poisoning children and forcing them to wear a mask? God will one day, take us all to task! More poets here must speak out. Hiding in closets like mice in the dark. It’s time to stop your blame and noise about politicians, After all, you are far from innocent. You are the ones who voted them in! And as your rights are taken away. Illegals do not have to the poison vaxx at all take? Our borders are gone, we must get them Back. As the SQUAD in Congress destroyed us in a Vicious deadly attack! 9/25/2021

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 9/26/2021 11:53:00 AM
Hello panagiota, a horrible occurence of that trime period. Hugs.
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Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 10/14/2021 3:12:00 AM
Obama built them for whatever reason, I am sure you know of all the violence here. Criminals here can murder, steal, defecate on streets and go free...and it will get wise. Some Christians arecosidered domestic terrorists? But it’s OK to kill, riot? Murderers are out of jail in 24 hours. Lawyers support criminals as do judges PANGIE
De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 9/26/2021 3:13:00 PM
Hello Panagiota, I just read Andrea comment. Yes the camps are ready. It is so hard to believe. Hugs.
Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/26/2021 12:30:00 PM
Still going on, Darlene. Only this time by Andreas comment. She’s on top of things. Camps are ready, Panagiota.
Date: 9/26/2021 10:28:00 AM
Pangie, I just viewed actual death camps being set up in England, USA, Australia, Canada. (called Covid camps, they have incernerators nearby them) I saw drawings for their plans and also actual ones already assembled. Fema has been slowly working on this and now it's ramping up. While doctors and military doctors, etc are providing evidence of the truth of what's in the vaccine, etc. our sheeple sit unwilling to see what the truth tellers are saying. I am sad beyond belief. (well done)
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Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/26/2021 12:28:00 PM
Andrea...thank you. It’s no surprise to me! I predicted this long ago. People won’t believe you or me. They trust two morons, with no soul. Religion or character. Fauci, Liar of the century Biden_A half wit, ruining all our lives.belongs in an Alzheimer’s Unit. Wait till the Gestapo comes.oh..they are already here Playing assistants to Fauci..and you know what they are up to here, contemptiblebeyond belief. Vaxx_ Pushers. Read up on Israel..omg..and the vaxx With appreciation Pangie
Date: 9/25/2021 6:14:00 PM
I know, it is heartbreaking. Can't get them out of office till next election. And then, I doubt that the election will be fair. Saw a news clip on fox today -- a two year old child forced to put a mask on, him fighting back and crying historically as he pulled the mask from his face...child care worked forced it back on, repeatedly. This went on for several minutes -- I turned it off, Unable to watch. This is child abuse, insanity. If that were my child, there would be hell to pay.
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 9/29/2021 1:51:00 PM
OMG about the child. Pure insanity, Joe.
Dimino Avatar
Joe Dimino
Date: 9/26/2021 8:24:00 AM
Teachers, soldiers should not follow rules that go against common decency. What rules, laws, do Democrats adhere to? The quick answer, None! And there are no consequences. What we are seeing with Social Media, Soulless Anchors of the news industry, Government Agencies is "Lord Of The Flies" on steroids. It's that obvious to everyone old enough, blessed not to have had a dumb-downed education.
Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/26/2021 4:37:00 AM
I suggested you start watching Newsnax as FOX has not been Consercative for over 20 years, they are also supporting Climate Change . Trump was at a rally on Newsmax last night. You know, that evil man, unelected by unfair means! Country gets worse by the second. Dr.Siegel is like Fauci, the vaccine is safe.??not for all.I saw the results for Maricopa County..,whoa, Prince. Huge cheat_A_thon. All who voted for B,deserve a crappy country. I saw that video, Prince! Disgusting.! Even dogs do not get treated like that!mask Madman run the USA. I’d get my kid out of such a rules. The teachers were following rubles.AS AN ex teacher, could not do that. Would never stand before masked kids. TO H WITH A DEGREE. Move to a RED state. Al Your compatriot,Pangie
Date: 9/25/2021 12:10:00 PM
Is this poetry, or did you hold up a mirror to our fractured humanity?!?
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Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/26/2021 4:20:00 AM
Thank you,

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry