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Natures Law

Sunlight dances across the old pond Reflections of bushes and tree's Wild grasses grow in the field beyond The buzz of the bumble bee. Nature reclaiming what is hers by right Healing scarred and derelict land Badgers foraging long into the night To feed the family they've planned. The music that the crickets make The owl taking to the wing The mole surfaces to take a break Nature is such a wonderful thing . Every crevice teams with life Every bush alive with song Cock displays to find a wife How on earth could this be wrong . Foxes dashing to the den Vixen carrying her cub in gentle jaws Animals hiding from the world of men Here they live by natures law.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 4/1/2014 1:34:00 PM
Hi Daz.....nature is amazing and I couldn't agree more about urban sprawl instead of using and re-furnishing buildings that are already standing...oh for some wisdom and sanity instead of greed and insane self promotion. Let the wonder and delight of nature prevail.
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Date: 2/23/2014 10:40:00 PM
Love the whole write here, but i absolutely love the last line the best here they live by natures law, all i can say is wow a wonderful detailed discription of nature i will be back another time to read this one again my friend, and your wrong my hubby is a yorkie or maybe you might call him a wookie, lol cheri
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Date: 2/23/2014 4:25:00 PM
Hi Darren, love your descriptions and can almost feel the longing to partake in Nature's law.. well done,.cheers Huberta
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Date: 2/23/2014 5:23:00 AM
Hi Darren, Love your poem. I particularly enjoy scenic poetry. I could see the sunlight dancing across the old pond. Also the buzz of the bees. Well done. Regards, Theresa xx
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/23/2014 2:26:00 PM
Thank you for the lovely comments Theresa . I am thrilled you enjoyed the poem . xxx Daz
Date: 2/22/2014 3:44:00 PM
ok, now let me read your poem here! Yes, this is a really nice one!!! I love the mention of so many different animals and your final stanza really sums up your point well. They are usually in hiding but will forever live by nature's law!
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/23/2014 2:23:00 PM
Aha but they hide from the world of men because we tear down their homes , You'll have to live a long time to see a shrew driving a bulldozer down your street to get revenge.
Date: 2/22/2014 3:42:00 PM
from your comment on my Irish poem, I have to ask you? Are ye Irish?? I sure enjoyed it!
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/23/2014 2:19:00 PM
No Andrea . I am sorry to disappoint . I am English , Type in YO1 7HH into your google maps and you'll be very close to my home . Nr York minster , I do love to travel though , Ireland , is very beautiful and the people are wonderful .
Date: 2/21/2014 4:24:00 PM
It is such a shame how man can destroy so much of the natural beauty that surrounds them. This is a lovely write, Darren. I enjoyed it very much! ...Thank you for the kind and heartfelt comments.
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/22/2014 5:19:00 AM
More and more I see new housing and businesses being built on fertile land Whilst land that has previously been built on stands idle , The kids of tomorrow will pay the price for the decisions we make today.
Date: 2/19/2014 2:36:00 PM
creation sways with it cosmic charm, daz.. well done; greeat!..huggs
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/22/2014 5:26:00 AM
Thank you nette . I'm a modern day hippy I suppose , I'll have to buy some flower power trousers and tie dye a T shirt , lol
Date: 2/19/2014 7:37:00 AM
This is great Darren...Now that the weather is starting to change I can here the coyotes howling at night..Can never get enough of nature..tIM
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/19/2014 7:44:00 AM
Thanks Tim We don't have such animals in Yorkshire . You might get a love bite if your lucky but that's about it .

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