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My Heart's Hedera

Poet's Notes

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The hedera is a lovely piece of punctuation primarily found in early Latin and Greek texts. Its purpose was to to signify a break between paragraphs. The hedera can be described essentially as a floral heart. So I am comparing this punctuation mark (which has been assigned to the punctuation graveyard) to a breaking heart. The hedera punctuation can also appear as a dagger.

My heart's hedera [†] Like two paragraphs It breaks [selah] between you and I It breaks [selah] and aches just to look at you It breaks [selah] when we fight And you leave for the night My heart's hedera [†] Now twain Let no one put asunder [selah] What God has bade It breaks [selah] An acceptable sacrifice [Ampersand] we are humbled, broken and contrite My heart's hedera [†] It bereaves [ampersand] As it reads a melancholy missive It breaks [selah] and at the end of our dirge It beats for one last time, then my soul will merge (And like a hedera [†] For further breaking and lamenting of this idol factory (which is also a pariah) Consult the prophet Jeremiah)

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Date: 10/13/2024 11:52:00 AM
Wow!! This is awesome! I love the symbolic punctuation you've revived for this beautiful sentiment! A love poem,deep and heartfelt! Xo
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Michael Ramel
Date: 10/13/2024 12:29:00 PM
Thanks Crystol

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