My Favorite Christmas Memory
I always wanted a dollhouse with Barbie toys,
just as my brother wanted G.I. Joe for little boys.
We’d wait all year to see what we would open,
anticipating with excitement to get what we were hoping.
Eve came quickly and family soon arrived,
my brother and I had a sneaky plan we contrived.
We’d quietly peek in our parent’s room under the bed,
and shake all the presents while others were being fed.
One year I accidently (yeah right) opened a gift,
tore the corner off of the paper and it began to lift.
I was being a little brat and acting selfish with pride,
only to find a sincere surprise buried deep inside.
It was a card from mommy telling me she loved me so,
and how she always wished for me to know.
“Angels danced the day you were born”,
then I began to cry, so happy yet forlorn.
My brother asked why I was crying so hard,
I said, "because mommy gave me such a special card.
I don’t deserve such a tender gift from her heart,
I feel terrible for tearing this special gift apart."
How was I to wrap it back up the same way as she?
for she would instantly know that it was me.
I was embarrassed and felt like a spoiled little kid,
so, I ran like a baby to my room and hid.
Mommy looked everywhere for me that night,
I was still feeling sorry for myself; out of sight.
She finally opened my door to ask why I was crying,
I said, “I feel sick today”, but she knew I was lying.
She held me so tight and said, “I wish you felt better”,
I felt so guilty and said, “I found your Christmas letter.
I’m so sorry for ruining the genuine surprise”,
then she gently wiped away the tears from my eyes.
“Oh sweetheart, don’t you ever worry or fret,
I know opening your gift is something you regret.
But you are just a curious little girl on Christmas Eve,
now come down stairs before all your cousins leave.”
She seemed so nonchalant and okay with what I’d done,
so, I hurried downstairs to my cousins and had fun.
The next morn the gift was wrapped again with love,
I remember the wrapping, it had an ivory turtle dove.
I asked her why she wasn’t mad the night before,
she said, “oh, honey that’s not what Christmas is for.”
I opened up the gift but this time I saw the Barbie,
she bought it last night at midnight just for me.
My heart grew ten times like the Grinch who stole Christmas,
and thought, “when I’m older, I’m really gonna miss this”.
I had the best day and thanked mommy for my special gift,
thank the Lord for the wrapping paper that I decided to lift.
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December 1, 2017
Writing Challenge- December, 2019 - I Want Christmas Poems
Sponsor, Dear Heart - Wiishkobi Ode
Copyright © Lu Loo | Year Posted 2017
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