My Father
Although you were never there for me
We never had a father-daughter moment
You never told me you love me
And me always felt like... the lost girl-
The one without a father!
But with all that I felt and said...I forgave you!
I am alive because of you
I am of your blood
I am your child... Who needed you!
My heart aches for you!
There were times I felt angry with you
I was depressed thinking I wasn't wanted
I had moments where I cried myself to sleep thinking
you just didn't care about me.
You have no idea how much you hurt me.
I am the lost girl!
But with all that I felt and said...I forgave you!
I still want to get to know you more
I still care about you
I still need you
I still love you...You are my father!
My heart aches for you!
I may be a grown woman now but it doesn't ceased the feel of wanting and needing to be loved.
I am maturing and understanding the concepts of life.
I am trying to be more on the positive side
and believe-
You were never there for me but kept me in your thoughts
You never had a picture of me but memorized what I look like
You never had the chance to tell me you loved me but engraved my name on your heart
And I hope one day we will have that chance
to settle our feelings... Mine especially!
Needless to say-
You are nonetheless the father I am here today,
on earth living and breathing life.
I'll never judged nor disrespect you.
I'll never assumed nor implement the worst of you.
But I will always love you beyond your capability for me.
I will always have your blood runs thru my veins, acknowledging my roots.
Most especially,
I will forever be your daughter
wether you're there or not... My father - Smile!
Written by; Akkina R Downing
Copyright © Akkina Downing | Year Posted 2016
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