My Dear Mr Fireman
Now my dear Mr Fireman
Let's be very clear
We neither one of us
Really wants to be here
Now I know it's my fault
That I cannot deny
But I can explain
If you please let me try
I thought I would fit
It was just such bad luck
I had no idea
I was going to get stuck
And please understand
That before you were phoned
I tried hard as I could
To get out on my own
I've been pushed, I've been pulled
I've been twisted around
I've been shook like a snow-globe
And tipped upside down
Buy try though I have
Not one of these things
Was enough to dislodge me
From the seat of this swing
I know it's for kids
And I know that its true
That climbing inside
Was a daft thing to do
But I couldn't resist it
The challenge was there
I'm sure we've all done
Silly things for a dare
So please don't be angry
That's all I can say
I can promise I've already
Learned my lesson today
Copyright © Danielle Humphreys | Year Posted 2017
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