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Musings On Faith Premiere Contest Winner

What if love is the religion, and heaven a voice with no ego; synchronized in harmonious hope, speaking dialects of kindness? What if hell is a myth, and evil lurks as shadows, dressed in greed and insincere speech? What if there’s no fine line between dusk and dawn? no strained streak between darkness and light, blurring out visions of wrong and right? But If love is the religion, would the Universe tame the storms raging above holy shrines? If honesty can see through the sunless eyes of sinners crawling as nocturnal creatures, preying on gullible souls- disguised as saints, would they mend sacred survivors? for, they’ve conquered colossal galaxies rising from unbeatable infernos. In a world that is oblivious to the grieving clouds, drizzling tears from the azure. I wish, you and I, would read the same book of intuitions; scriptures that reveal no name to the faith we behold. Sometimes, I close my confused heart, allow third eye to roam and reach, to find heaven through astral waltzing, across spiritual realms, where hymns of healing echo. Perhaps, it’s been etched in karmic kismet, that amidst fleeting time and passing seasons, love shall rise like a forgiving flower, sprouting from emptiness. Embalmed in jasmine rain water, pouring upon the emblem of empathy. So, don’t speak, just listen, close your eyes, awaken your awareness to the air, witness the unspoken truth, swirling through weary winds, caressing fragile skin, like eagle feathers. Seek beyond all that which shimmers, there flows dreams that glow, woven with faith; a combination of meraki, and divine elements.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 12/24/2023 7:46:00 AM
Congratulations Ink Empress on exceptional beautiful trophy winning poem. God's breath within us is love and silence reveals His voice begging humanity to live in fraternity.
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Date: 10/25/2023 12:17:00 PM
Epic. What if's are a fascination when done so well, Ink. Who wouldn't wish these musings on religion? "So, don’t speak, just listen, close your eyes, awaken your awareness to the air, witness the unspoken truth" love it, all of it. Passionate, as you put yourself into your poetry with all your soul, creativity, and love. Congratulations on your trophy win! Go celebrate my friend. xoxo Anaya
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/28/2023 5:17:00 AM
Thank you so very much dear kind anaya i hope you are well, i am so happy and grateful for your sweet support always
Date: 10/25/2023 10:54:00 AM
Back with hearty congratulations on your trophy win with this extraordinary poem. Blessings
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/28/2023 5:16:00 AM
Thank you so very much dear kind Sotto i appreciate your support always
Date: 10/24/2023 7:04:00 PM
Congratulations. Very beautiful!
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/24/2023 8:01:00 PM
Wow thank you so much i almost deleted this poem im beyond thrilled to be placed
Date: 10/24/2023 5:52:00 PM
I wish, you and I, would read the same book of intuitions; I believe that we do my friend, this is incredible and amazing, to say the least, Ink Empress, my favorite line is " What if love was our religion " wow yes please ! Brava !
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/24/2023 8:02:00 PM
Wow sweet rose i am truly shocked seeing my poem placed. I almost deleted it thinking its too controversial and no one really understood my poem. So pleased and so honored and congratulations to u too
Date: 10/16/2023 3:49:00 PM
I liked the maraki part. If you put yourself in everything, there will be love. We tend to want good for ourselves. Very thought-provoking...I think everything must connect. Even religions...
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/16/2023 10:33:00 PM
Awwwn sweet soul iv missed reading your comments thank you so much for your sweet support
Date: 10/15/2023 8:23:00 AM
Aloha, Ink Empress! I enjoyed reading your Free Verse, where each line accommodates enlightenment. They compel instantaneous resolve, albeit interpreted variances are anticipated when under the spotlight. Whether they'd be dim or bright, they've deduced, concluded, and expressed their answers. Mine was held for ransom, and somebody just paid my thunder! Thanks for a nicely needed Fave! Aloha William
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/16/2023 10:32:00 PM
Thank you so much for this beautiful and poetic feedback. I am forever grateful for your visit and encouraging comment. So kind and sincere. And i appreciate your fave too . Blessings your way too. Aloha
Date: 10/14/2023 5:04:00 AM
I think some missed your point here maybe.. love is the best religion, its about having moral and principles, not using religion for personal gain or being a hypocrite.. This is a thoughtful take on the contest and you have expressed it with meaning and using your own unique style.. some prefer hate as their religion and they can stick to that if their ego wont let them love.. Good luck in the contest..
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/16/2023 10:31:00 PM
Its ok yes sometimes words can be hard for some to comprehend. Thank you always for having my back and for being so supportive im forever grateful for your support and i wish everyone would accept love as their religion. Ego destroys all. You inspire us all! With your wisdom and your generous heart and thoughts,Thank u
Date: 10/13/2023 2:41:00 PM
Woven in Faith one can fly to any paradise with the volition of Angels, love your poetry its beautiful and full of light and hope dear Ink,
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/16/2023 10:29:00 PM
Thank you sweet rose you are so kind i appreciate all your support
Date: 10/13/2023 11:21:00 AM
This is a beautiful, spiritual poem. If read several times, more thoughts emerge.
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/16/2023 10:29:00 PM
Awwn thank you so much Hilda you are so kind
Date: 10/13/2023 10:14:00 AM
Dear friend Ink, Your poetry is so captivating, and I admire your ability to explain your complex beliefs. That goes beyond religion into something deeper. Love as a religion intrigues me, calling me to explore. Each line sparkles, attracting my cognition. Reconciliation is important to our spiritual journey. Whatever our religion believes we share something larger that transcends misinterpretation and restricted notions. The eternal truth will always trump deception, leading us to reality. BOL
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/16/2023 10:28:00 PM
Dear Sotto, your kind and generous support is appreciated so very wholeheartedly. Thank you so much for being so supportive
Date: 10/13/2023 8:21:00 AM
Dear Ink, you've portrayed in a very subliminal way, the beauty of love that binds us all with an invisible, spiritual thread of hope, faith and peace.. Above all the religions..We all have our distinct ideologies and different thinking but what unifies us, connecting all the religions who ultimately follow the same purpose towards God, is the pure feeling of LOVE. I am really awestruck by all the lines and the depth that you've infused here! An eden where, all unique souls are still bonded..Wow
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/16/2023 10:27:00 PM
You are so young, yet, you understand such deep stories and poems and subjects better than adults! I am truly grateful to have you as a reader. Thank you beautiful soul appreciate your thorough and profound feedback
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Sam Scott
Date: 10/14/2023 8:39:00 PM
I do agree, Hiya, well said :)
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Hiya Sharma
Date: 10/13/2023 8:25:00 AM
The whimsical 'what ifs' in your poem really held my heart in an introspective and soulful way.. "What if love is the religion, and heaven a voice with no ego" "What if hell is a myth, and evil lurks as shadows, dressed in greed and insincere speech?", "I wish, you and I, would read the same book of intuitions;' really profound and your alliterations throughout are so amazing!!! "a combination of meraki, and divine elements" Ah, too many fav lines to quote.. An outstanding write this is, best of luck for the contest :)
Date: 10/13/2023 6:23:00 AM
The way you make your words flow is beautiful. Thank you for reading my poetry!
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/16/2023 10:25:00 PM
awn thank you so much
Date: 10/13/2023 6:07:00 AM
This poem outshines many of the poems entered in this contest. What a profound assertion on the principal virtue on which all religions and scriptures should be set up... ie LOVE. It is the one and the only religion!. .... I wrote my poem without reading the specifications of the contest. I am a simple, but firm believer of God and the religion I follow in the conventional sense."Love shall rise like a forgiving flower, sprouting from emptiness. Embalmed in jasmine rain water, pouring upon the emblem of empathy." This should be the underlying philosophy of every religion and faith ! I am Faving this.
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/16/2023 10:24:00 PM
Awwn thank you always kind soul for your beautiful thoughts on my poems, despite differences in thinking we still somehow manage to find beauty in someones work, thats so kind and generous of you. I am a muslim, and i follow islam, but this poem is more than jus abt religion. And i love the way you see it. Thank you again. You make soup such a lovely place too
Date: 10/13/2023 5:44:00 AM
What if love is the religion, and heaven a voice with no ego; synchronized in harmonious hope, speaking dialects of kindness?--But If love is the religion, would the Universe tame the storms raging above holy shrines? --Awesome musings throughout, Ink--Seeking beyond all that which shimmers--as you say! A definite FAVE for your poetic prowess.
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/16/2023 10:21:00 PM
Dear Vijay i appreciate your fave your sincere comments and also always for your warm poetic Presence! Thank you so very much! Soup is a better place Cus of you
Date: 10/13/2023 5:20:00 AM
well, love as a religion sounds good to me..a deep dive, many excellent lines in this - i learnt a new word 'meraki' :) thank you for my placement in your contest, and your generous comments
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/16/2023 10:20:00 PM
Thank you so very much this means alot coming from a talented soul like you. Ah i learned meraki sometime ago. Its my pleasure placing your poem, that deserves all the accolades. Thank you always
Date: 10/13/2023 4:49:00 AM
I love this thank you for sharing. Very powerful
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/16/2023 10:18:00 PM
Thank you kind soul for your visit and for your thoughts i appreciate your kindness and sincere support
Date: 10/13/2023 4:12:00 AM
So much about this, dear Ink, I adore. Some can exploit a naivety in gentle-hearted people. But love remains a powerful force in it's quiet tsunami of hope. Your phrase "love shall rise like a forgiving flower".. just so beautiful. Forgiveness is a key component. Whatever our faith journey - there is more that connects us and truth always out-lives misinformation and poor perception of a true reality. The world needs some of that right now - it can quietly, poetically, start with us.
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/13/2023 4:47:00 AM
You’ve actually really understood my poem, its not about religion per se. Its way beyond that, i do have a religion and i believe in God, but this poem was something deeper and i feel like you actually got it. Thank you! For the fave too.
Date: 10/13/2023 3:32:00 AM
You think outside the box. No crime in that. I too am a Christian and I also study Buddhism with an ordained monk. I like the idea of love rooting religion and that is not your point I know. But we all are able to grasp what is good valid to our spirit. For me God is real but in his or her wisdom she gave us free will. We all have to get IT how we get IT. This is a creative work from your mind and heart so bravo.
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/13/2023 4:46:00 AM
Dear Karen its for the musings on faith contest i thought of thinking beyond religion, spirituality sometimes is way beyond and deeper. I admire what you’ve shared about yourself! For me God is real, i believe in God too, i was just imagining something beyond for the contest. Didnt mean to come off as something else. Appreciate you beautiful u are so kind
Date: 10/13/2023 2:26:00 AM
I am a Christian and thus I'll remain, no matter what. Christianity is never mentioned in the holy books, but the tenets there are a way to bliss. Notwithstanding our opposite ideas, as a poetic verse, yours is very clever to write and up to a point I cannot but admire the way you expound your theories. Blessings. Victor
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/13/2023 4:44:00 AM
Dear Victor, i believe in God, and i have a religion too that i practice and follow, this poem is way beyond religion, something deeper. Thank you for sharing your faith with us. Appreciate your support always
Date: 10/13/2023 2:04:00 AM
- I like your thoughts, Ink - "hell a myth, and evil clothed in greed" ... "finding heaven ... across spiritual realms" ... same book with no name: The Religion of: Love :) - Excellently written :) - hugs
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/13/2023 4:37:00 AM
Thank u beautiful anne lise
Date: 10/13/2023 1:34:00 AM
That whole first stanza !!!!! Omg I looooove it papi!!! love is the religion, n heaven a voice with no ego.. if hell is a myth, n evil lurks as shadows, no fine line between dusk and dawn? no strained streak between darkness n light.. love shall rise like a forgiving flower, sprouting from emptiness.. mmm how u make a piece shine soo elegantly papi!!! It’s like watching pure magic unfold… gorgeous!!
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/13/2023 4:37:00 AM
Aww papi thank u so much

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