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More Pork

I've spoke of the Pork Rind And my love for it's crunch Now I must give due credit To whom I'm having for lunch The Pig or the "Porkster" In my circle he's fondly called But to all the outsiders He is simply known as the Hog He comes in many flavors Bacon, Chitlins, or Ham There's even an air of mystery In the can known as Spam He's at all the major holidays The guys a Rock Star Those sweet on him call him Honey Ham know who you are Why he's even in China Where the Royal Family has succumbed I hear the Emperor's pet name for him is Pork Egg Foo Young Well I could go on for days Talking about that little feller But could you please pass the Mustard ......preferably the Yeller

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 11/4/2018 11:41:00 AM
Hilarious. Love your witty sense of humor, Mike.
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Date: 5/30/2016 9:25:00 AM
lol sure made me smile Mike... I prefer french mustard myself with my ham - hmmmm now I fancy a bacon buttie lol:-) hugs Jan xx7
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