Moonlight Falls
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Moonlight Falls
From the mystical river of moonlight falls
cascading her light when the night comes to call
and the star studded sky does so daintily dance
her magic awaits if you dare take the chance
When the white melting moon lights the water so clear
the black hearted creatures know darkness and fear
it's life giving water can anything cure
but death surely waits for a heart less than pure
Cool to the touch and refreshingly sweet
she taunts in the torment of summer nights heat
a most sacred gift sent from heaven above
without dark desecration from souls without love
To think you can fool her is foolish at best
her light is so bright your pretense she'll divest
many have tested her waters and tried
a thirst without quench was their soul left to die
From the mystical river of moonlight falls
cascading her light when the night comes to call
and the star studded sky does so daintily dance
her magic awaits, do you dare take the chance?
- Jeannie Minor
Copyright © Jeannie Cronin | Year Posted 2016
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