Milton Creek
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Photo credit - Milton Creek Mayors Office

It was the day after the new year and there wasn't a peep
The folks of Soup Creek were hungover and in a deep sleep
The mayors annual meeting was to be held that afternoon
And the venue was an upstairs room in Jenna's saloon.
It had turned noon and all the council were now assembled there
And they all bowed heads when they passed Milton's empty chair
They went into the large meeting room and everybody sat down
Then held a minute's silence for Milt a founding father of the Town.
Tom outlined his plans for Soup Creek in the forthcoming year
Everyone was in agreement and there was shouts of Hear, hear
Sheriff Koplin spoke up and said we need to honour Milt's memory
Saying "He was not one for fuss so maybe a plaque or a tree".
Then Jenna tapped hard on the table and she stood up to speak
Saying "Let's honour him properly and rename our town Milton Creek"
The motion was passed and everyone present in the room agreed
Ranger David said "Milt would be honoured and he'd be so pleased".
Tom asked deputy Terry to get everyone assembled in the town square
And added "Start with the bordello because you'll find many in there"
Later, in the square Mayor Tom announced the news to the crowd
"Jenna proposes we rename our town and we'd be doing Milt proud" .
There were loud cheers and big smiles and everyone was happy
That Milton Creek would be the towns new name for all eternity
Anaya spoke up saying "For one day only the steaks are on me
I'm renaming my steak house the' Big M' in Milton's memory".
Meanwhile at Jenna's saloon Deb and Tania were busy preparing food
Tonight, there was to be a party because everyone was in a good mood
Then a stranger walked into the saloon and said "hi folks I've just got in
I'm a very good friend of the saloon owner Jenna and my name is Lin"
Lin worked for the Pinkerton agency and could handle a gun
But she was on vacation and came to Milton Creek for some fun
She knew how to handle vermin and lowlifes and knew how to kill
Those that had tried to bushwack her are now lying in Boot Hill.
Robert, Anaya's steak supplier could make anything out of wood
And made a new town sign and placed it where the old one stood
It was now late evening and townsfolk were heading for the saloon
In the distance all you could hear were coyotes howling at the moon.
Written on 5th January 2023.
To honour Milton I'm changing the name of Soup Creek town to Milton Creek.
Copyright © Tom Cunningham | Year Posted 2023
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