Merry Xmas
Christmas boxes and ribbons from last year,
gatherings starting with those we hold dear,
gift paper, sprinkles, sparkling golden bows,
noisy silver bells on elves' twinkling toes.
Angels and carolers midst lovely lights.
Spicy kitchens, cookies, pumpkin delights.
stars shining down on a calm midnight clear,
we pause to reflect on this fleeting year.
Hanging the tinsel, we try to pretend
our world isn't hurting, we needn't mend
someone will feed those with little to eat
and fit shoes over their tired, bunioned feet.
So, we take our gifts, find some needy souls,
who are hungry, hurt, victims of life's tolls.
The smiles on their faces, and childrens' glee,
Gifts to us--hearts warmed by love's canopy
Our souls are expanded by miles and miles
when love reaches far to warm others' smiles.
November 26, 2021
"X" New or Old Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Constance La France
A Second Place
Copyright © Ann Peck | Year Posted 2021
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