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Mea Culpa

MEA CULPA If it is dirty, yours truly. A child is crying, what did I do? A cloud blocks the sun, must be my attitude. A word said unkindly. They must have learned from me. For I am as unrespectful as only I can be. A bit sad maybe? Of course, that is my fault too. I should know I have that effect on you. Got some bad news? Somehow, I will be in the mix. If only I had, or had not, that is the trick. Trouble with the tummy. I have caused it, without a doubt. And the depression, the anxiety, and gout. The toast has burned. O my, do I not pay attention? If only I would stop watching television. Got ripped off by the plumber. Where was I when I was needed? I should’ve been there to avoid being pillaged. Roaches in the house. All that spraying has been worthless. What a good for nothing, just call the experts. The bathroom floor. What’s that around the toilet bowl? It must be pee, I must like a sticky shoe sole. A dirty car. I must have given a ride to a pig. Or I am the pig. Causing extra work and fatigue. Lacking that attention. Don’t even think we are equal. I have been known to ignore important people. Ignored by friends. Something I did, maybe said. I talk too much and friends just get upset. A car horn honks. They run a stop sign across my path. I need to watch out, slow down and let them cross. All in a nutshell, if it is wrong, I’m there to take the blame. That is my talent, my superpower and my shame.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 10/10/2020 5:13:00 PM
my mother in law was narcissist and nothing like this poem, David. For one, she would never have shame for anything. haha! to me this is a depressed person with serious issues ( I reread it just now and yes, I can see some of the narcisstic attributes now!)
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David Perez
Date: 10/10/2020 8:50:00 PM
I am sorry about your mother-in-law being a narcissist and also about me not being clear. As you may imagine, the people commenting in YouTube are the victims of the narcissist. The feelings portrayed in my poem are based on comments from those victims. I am sure you can relate.
Date: 10/9/2020 10:05:00 AM
a lot of negative attitude, but I get how that can happen. try to find the good (I know I know, easier said than done!!)
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David Perez
Date: 10/9/2020 10:36:00 AM
Yeah, I know. I have been listening to lectures on narcissism on Youtube and what I have heard there inspired me to get into the mindset of a person in a narcissist relationship. The same lectures inspired Gratitude. Thanks for commenting!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry