Mary Lost Sheep - a Little Laughter
Brave Texas woman rides horse after Mary’s white sheep.
Sheep taken while girls watch hanky-panky movie.
Cross River finds green field empty.
Minny Mouse gives dozen sheep water.
Horse yield tired, needs break.
Rogue tiger hears lunch bells, mouth water.
Lambs chops fried, makes great table plate.
Black wolfs lofty large sharp teeth scare tiger.
Tiger cries, belly hurts, maybe wolfs share sheep.
Woman shows small rifle which drive large wolfs south.
Wolfs smile, visit piggy house, worth their labor,
mouth water, stuff apple piggy mouth sound sweet.
Large brick house saves piggy.
Girls awake, where Mary’s sheep flock?
Girls didn’t proper watch furry sheep.
Poetry Contest: A little laughter five
Sponsored by: Edward McCall
Copyright © Eve Roper | Year Posted 2018
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