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Many Things

We are like wiggling aphids on a quantum computer. Knowledge beyond the scope of the most gifted tutor. Spaces and dimensions multiplied by infinity, plus one. Therefore, I am open to any possibility, oddity -- or none. Too many eye-witness, photographed phenomenon to shun: Like the fifth (genuine) photograph of the Cottingley Fairies. In Taos, New Mexico that unexplained hum is unnervingly scary. Intuition (or sixth sense) makes science and psychologists wary. Disappearances (Hoffa, Earhart) cannot be dismissed so lightly. Ghosts, sprites and ectoplasmic bits flaunt themselves nightly. UFO sightings, crashes and top-secret documents exist, rightly. The prevalence and similarity of near-death cases is astounding. Fairies (or Fae, or Angels) hail not only from European founding; But, from China to the USA, their numbers, happily, rebounding. Hordes of haters and sceptics are quick to condemn and dissent. Nevertheless, I, too, have witnessed a truly unfathomable event. From my night-time garden, I spied a winged, many legged gent. Of course, I have no evidence -- so, raise your knives and neuter.... Spaces and dimensions multiplied by infinity, plus one. Like the fifth (genuine) photograph of the Cottingley Fairies. Disappearances (Hoffa, Earhart) cannot be dismissed so lightly. The prevalence and similarity of near-death cases is astounding. Hordes of haters and sceptics are quick to condemn and dissent. Of course, I have no evidence -- so, raise your knives and neuter....

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 7/15/2016 8:13:00 AM
Tom, Thanks for commenting on one of my recent poems. I really like the "Thinking Person Nature" of your narrative here. The "Wiggling Aphids" grabbed my immediate attention. Very Well-Done!! Cheers and Best, Gary
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Arnone Avatar
Tom Arnone
Date: 7/15/2016 10:27:00 AM
Thanks, Gary. I will be reading more of your fine poems, as time permits.
Date: 7/14/2016 2:32:00 PM
Reads like a winner..I am sure it is for the contest..Thanks for the visit to my blog..Put your poem in as a rhyme..Sara
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Arnone Avatar
Tom Arnone
Date: 7/14/2016 2:41:00 PM
Thanks, Sara -- but, what about the 12 syllables per line?
Date: 7/13/2016 6:04:00 PM
I know -- I didn't do the 12 syllables per line! Perhaps I'll do an edit -- but I'd rather not.... :-(
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