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Ma and Me

Did you think, ma, that I, your son, getting older, would be writing to you? You think it's a strange thing to do? We rarely ever wrote letters, son, so much in touch we were. We shared a home for so long until you found a relationship. You do seem to disapprove of much that I am, ma. Approved of a relationship, in general, yes, but the one that I have? Oh, I do want you to have someone, love someone, introduce me to someone, walk with, talk to, love that someone. But . . . Yes, you give me that But . . . You really disapprove of my partner, because, well because, this is a he? Yes a he . . . Oh, you must enjoy your life, and I'll always be here for you. And I do want you to have a relationship, but, well, I think, er, well . . . (Jul 2022)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 11/9/2022 5:40:00 AM
Love is love Andrew and rainbows are for sharing!! Happy Wednesday!!!
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Date: 9/6/2022 6:50:00 AM
Poignant Andrew but brillianty written. At the end of your reply to Andrea's comment below I love what you state your father said. Cheers - Gary
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Date: 7/28/2022 12:12:00 PM
that's just sad. It happened with my stepbrother when he tried to tell his situation to my parents over 50 years ago. He was in an accident and died in the 80's, but things were never the same again between him and my parents, and I miss him so much.
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John Avatar
Andrew John
Date: 8/23/2022 4:47:00 AM
Thank you. Yes, my mum was not nasty, by any means, nor chatty about me and the way I was (am, of course). So, yes, this one is about me. Did she actually disapprove? Hmm, not sure. How would she be now? Probably different, more accepting, as my father was till he died about six years ago (years after my mother died): first, he didn't like it, then accepted it, then approved. We're all normal, son! :)

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry