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Look On the Bright Side

I have become a moaner, Huffing, puffing, growling, groaner I find it hard to bend and stretch My dog is too old to 'Go fetch' 'You fetch yourself.' my old pooch said. As he snuggled up in his doggy bed. I totter outside to get the paper, That's lying on the lawn It's poured with rain, the newspaper is wet, Dirty, tattered and torn, It was beyond redemption Too far gone to read Another bone of contention Just what I need. I can hear the telephone ringing, From inside the house My ears are stinging Where is my spouse? I try my best to hurry, To answer the phone If someone doesn't answer it, They will think we are not home. It is no use calling my husband, Because he is stone deaf. Not only is he deaf, he is losing his mind, If truth be told, we are two of a kind. I must try not to grumble, mutter and complain, I must get more positive if I want to stay in the game. Life is what you make it. I understand why that is so, To look on the bright side is the best way to go.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 9/19/2023 9:29:00 AM
Don't go yet, Shirley. You would deprive us from some funny situations. But your ending has a great lesson. Great poem.
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Date: 9/17/2023 7:40:00 PM
Yup. Take a walk on the bright side-- as difficult as that can be. My motto, actually. (It was a secret; now it's not).
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Date: 9/17/2023 1:17:00 PM
Awesome finish, and love the way it makes you in a hurry(natural, not rushed) to read it...the kind of poem I really like!
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Date: 9/17/2023 12:54:00 PM
You do make me laugh Shirley with your pure honest humour…so funny! Debx
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Date: 9/17/2023 12:49:00 AM
What a hoot, you’ve given me a laugh this morning Shirley with this hilarious read… Belle
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