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Longing For Walter Cronkite

Some folks are misguided to sincerely believe That what they hear on the news is fact, indeed, I hope this poem will help you, friend, to relieve That dreadful notion, for the “news” is suspect Of being more commentary than cold, hard fact, I have found journalism, rather recently, bought And, I would think, paid for by vested interests~~ Sad for the Walter Cronkites of gilded ages past. Frankly, I want to see what took place in real time Just tell me, and show me unfiltered the truth, And cut the commentary like I need explanation For I can decide for myself what I see and hear. And I don’t need a biased “expert” to clear the air An “expert” who has an axe to grind, or who sees What happened through his own filtered lenses All these practices insult my native intelligence. For goodness sakes, I am not a naïve sheeple Buying every cockamamy theory down the pike Matter of fact, I’m smarter than the biased views Tutored in social media and the evening “news.” It boggles my mind that folks are so taken in They can’t see evidence and make good decisions, Follow conspiracy theorists and loony politicians Take off the silly hats; let light into your heads!
Written July 23, 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 7/30/2022 9:26:00 AM
Walter Cronkite would roll his eyes at what we allow to be called NEWS.
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Hankins Avatar
L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/30/2022 10:45:00 AM
Indeed. I think he would be so saddened by the current state of journalism.
Date: 7/25/2022 5:22:00 PM
Amen brother, the news, basically allof it, both points of view, are biased at best and seldom actual report the facts. I'm with you, Milt. we can make our own minds up without the propaganda. lol Give me a break, I'm not an idiot. Thanks for your thoughts through your poetry. Bill
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Hankins Avatar
L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/25/2022 6:52:00 PM
Thanks, Bill. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Date: 7/25/2022 2:55:00 PM
I haven't watched television for over 20 years, except for films and cultural documentaries. Over time I became more and more recalcitrant with news and programs. Maybe I got dumber because of that. But I definitely got lighter.
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Hankins Avatar
L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/25/2022 6:53:00 PM
Indeed, and I think that's the point here, Marco. When the world was a simpler place (if ever it was) we did not know what was happening ten miles from our home stomping grounds. Eh?
Date: 7/25/2022 10:05:00 AM
I miss th old days too Milt! We all must be smart viewers and listeners and verify from several sources before deciding if information is accurate. Money rules and I never trust! Great thoughts, Happy Monday!!
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Hankins Avatar
L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/25/2022 10:27:00 AM
Thank you so much, Mike, for your kind and thoughtful comment on my poem. I always appreciate hearing what you think. Regards. Have a marvelous week!
Date: 7/24/2022 6:36:00 AM
God bless you Milton.. I have your back you Know.. As much as I am able I will support all People who want betterment..' No rancour Just examination and conversation.. I will Strike hard at any who have hurt or coerced any decent people I know though !
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Hankins Avatar
L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/24/2022 12:57:00 PM
Thank you, Joe. I appreciate your thoughts.
Date: 7/23/2022 8:07:00 PM
Good old Walter spoke at my college graduation back in the day. He was trusted, for sure, by most. Was he trustworthy?! -- Not sure. :)
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Hankins Avatar
L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/24/2022 5:10:00 AM
He had the trust, and I believe he respected that. He was a fine journalist, in my opinion. Never laid eyes on the man except on TV. Thanks, gw.
Date: 7/23/2022 7:17:00 PM
I was never one for the news. I like your poem though!! I long for lots of things back in my youth!!
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Hankins Avatar
L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/23/2022 7:28:00 PM
Me, too, Andrea, but alas those days are long gone!
Date: 7/23/2022 6:53:00 PM
One can't help but laugh at Americans who believe they have a "free" media when it is all about the money and no one wants to upset a lucrative advertiser! So much crime and corruption is never aired for fear of losing advertisers - especially political party advertisers! But fuming won't do you any good at all. Kick back and use the OFF button! Aloha!
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Hankins Avatar
L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/23/2022 7:29:00 PM
Oh, I turned to that a long time ago, Rico.
Date: 7/23/2022 6:19:00 PM
Powerful, well written. Strong-willed... freedom loves courage. Ann
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Hankins Avatar
L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/23/2022 6:23:00 PM
Thank you so much, Ann, for your thoughtful and affirmative comment. I appreciated it and hearing from you.
Date: 7/23/2022 3:56:00 PM
Ha ha Milton. Walter Cronkite was a legend. News back then was believable and mostly truthful. It was a different time, a time that I wish was here in the now. There was integrity and truth and real Journalism mixed in with unbiased reporting. Just the facts. What happened Milton? Why did it deteriorate? Now they push a mindset, the lies run rampant, the facts are lies, and the reporting is biased with many agendas. Alphabet agencies are rumoured to direct News agencies to push their agendas.
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Maverick Avatar
Joe Maverick
Date: 7/24/2022 12:39:00 PM
Ditto Michael '
Tor Avatar
Michael Tor
Date: 7/23/2022 4:03:00 PM
Your suggestion makes sense, and I agree it would take a lot to undue the damage, that has been done...
Tor Avatar
Michael Tor
Date: 7/23/2022 3:59:00 PM
One thing we agree on Milton and that is We can think for ourselves. This one I really enjoyed Milton thank you for the fine effort in writing...
Hankins Avatar
L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/23/2022 3:58:00 PM
I can't say for sure, Michael, but I'm suggesting that the 24-hour news cycle with 24-hour programming on channels lead to having to fill in time with commentary and "expert" opinion. I think that slowly (maybe faster than we thought) bled over into regular evening news. So, seems like it's too late to undo the damage. I don't expect we'll ever go back to the days of Walter Cronkite and a few others....
Date: 7/23/2022 3:44:00 PM
We haven't watched network news or any of the big cable channels in the 8 years since we moved out in the country. I do not miss it a bit! No ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, FOX, none!
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Hankins Avatar
L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/23/2022 3:56:00 PM
You know, Jeff, I'm with you, and I congratulate you on a wise choice! I get so disgusted if I watch a network news broadcast I'm out of sorts for hours. It's just not worth it! Thanks!~

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