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Living Large Behind Petunia

Living Large Behind Petunia Elephants walk around on clouds Light footed in humble stature Like dolphins strong in mind They know their station Commanding winds of change Remain complacent to a fault Smiling at the fruits of sun and food Never take life too seriously Being elephant is a weighty matter Taking one large step at a time Tiny eyes see all, large and small Hiding behind a petunia is challenging Still they rise to the occasion To please one and all

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 3/8/2015 10:04:00 PM
I am assuming you are speaking of the shapes of clouds? If not, I totally missed the boat on this one Earl. I am presently being bombarded by a pesky mosquito and it is difficult to gather my thoughts. I may have to commit murder. (smile) I am giving this a 7 just because I like the imagery and flow of this poem.
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Marcum Wong Avatar
Connie Marcum Wong
Date: 3/9/2015 1:09:00 AM
The dang thing bit my ankle before I smashed it with my bare hands. It was a little fellow and I warned it to get lost but it was a daredevil! Now it is a dead one! Getting someone elses message happens a lot when I try to post a reply to someone. I guess it is just something that happens here. No worries! Have a great night. Hugs, Connie
Schumacker Avatar
Earl Schumacker
Date: 3/8/2015 10:22:00 PM
Hi Connie, Sorry you got Barbara's msg. I was writing to her when your msg. came up. I thought that you already knew that I am a silly person. I do these types of poems from time to time for sport. My elephants walk on actual clouds. They can't help themselves. They are over worked and under paid. I'm glad you enjoyed it any way. I would suggest using bazookas on the mosquitoes at your place but I think we've had enough silliness for one evening. I appreciate your commenting. Thank you. I hope you have a better night and a great day tomorrow. Take care. Earl
Schumacker Avatar
Earl Schumacker
Date: 3/8/2015 10:10:00 PM
Hi Barbara, Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it. When I play hide and seek I always bring a herd of elephants along for good measure. They seem to know the ropes, though not good climbers by nature. Flowers seem to be their specialty. Petunias help them to think thin thoughts. I appreciate your commenting. Have a wonderful day. Earl
Date: 3/8/2015 8:16:00 PM
I needed a smile today..thank you! BG
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Earl Schumacker
Date: 3/8/2015 10:12:00 PM
Hi Barbara, Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it. When I play hide and seek I always bring a herd of elephants along for good measure. They seem to know the ropes, though not good climbers by nature. Flowers seem to be their specialty. Petunias help them to think thin thoughts. I appreciate your commenting. Have a wonderful day. Earl
Date: 3/8/2015 5:34:00 PM
The amazing crazy imagery made me chuckle Earl:-) You have such a vivid imagination! :-) Hugs Jan xx 7 xx
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Earl Schumacker
Date: 3/8/2015 7:20:00 PM
Hi Jan, Thank you so much. The petunias are at fault for not being tall enough but I forgive them and the author. I'm glad you liked it. Earl

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