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Little Miss Fly

I sit on a wall. lessening to you all. I can hear your complaints. You all really need restraints! As I sit on this wall. So now I buzz by your face. An acute race. It make's me sad, when you swipe at me,all mad. As I buzz by your face. Well let me tell you what. You got a big butt! and you eat too much! It's a wounder ya don't need a crutch. Ha! I so told you what! This is a Cafe. Jeez! How much do you weigh? So I buzz on by. I am only just a fly. In this wonderful Cafe. But maybe i should be more aware, that you don't want to share. cause now I'm a spot on the wall. Not a fly, at all. Yep, I should have been more aware. (Ever sit at a table with an annoying fly?)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 1/28/2011 3:53:00 PM
I have sat at such a table, But more often than not it escapes after landing on my food. and now I find out it was likely insulting me too. lololol very creative!!
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Date: 1/23/2011 6:40:00 AM
Many a time have I sat in many a place to be buzzed by pesky flies. If was not for the food chain I would banish them all. It's the horrible fact that they land on anything and carry germs with them. Grrrrrrrr to flies, but at least they are food for the birds and spiders. Kool take from the flies point of view....:)
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Date: 1/22/2011 12:53:00 PM
Funny write but if its for my contest it has to be Limereck form..
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