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Little Man Grown

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Little Man Grown 8/18/2023 Thirteen years ago, he picked up a bat! In love, he knew where his future was at. In Major League Baseball, you get it? Six-feet, tall now, he can really, hit it! But this Grandma, misses her little tyke, Who rode a tricycle and flew a silver kite. He’ s a player on junior varsity these days. And in other states, baseball with joy, plays!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 8/23/2023 9:52:00 PM
Awwn, this is such a beautiful poem, hued with nostalgic feelings, adorable memories and your fondness & cherishing love.. You definitely have very heartwarming moments and lovely memories with your grandson, as a child.. Reflects so wonderfully in this piece!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 8/24/2023 8:52:00 AM
Hello! I remember tthe early years and I really cherish all those moments. They are like blessings from God! I am an emotional poet, not an intellectual, I just triy my best to be honest of the page. You’ll never find me using highly intellectual words to impress anyone in comments or in poetry. Many poets do that wlell,I am quite ordinary.. But I do take on subjects that poets run from, too. There is NO reason to rin from reality. We do not live in the stars, but on the planet earth. I am so grateful to watch my grandson bloom like a flower and reach his goals. An outstanding, compassionate young man,who is a head above the rest. And sweet as honey. Thank you for reading this. Pangie
Date: 8/23/2023 10:41:00 AM
Hi my Greek Sis - I know the feeling 25% of him will always be yours and what a handsome fellow he must be - I can feel Your pride and understand it now that I have an 8 month old grand-daughter who is a looker also. Send me your address as i am not allowed to put any photo of her on any media or if you have another email address. You live in California IF i am not mistake, sorry if I am ,but where? Yassou FOR NOW PANGIE MOU....... HUGS, JENNIFER.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 8/24/2023 11:36:00 AM
Kalimera, Greek Sis, it is always great to connect with you, I bet your grand-daughter is as lovely as you!! Yes, I live in California. Mediterranean climate, what else? Eddie is 6’2”, an honors student and a junior in high school…Before you know it, your grand-daughter will be also be in HS..CHECK Your soupmail for information you requested.!! Yassou, Jennifer. Exchanging pictures of grandchildren is a great idea.. Yassou! Hugs, Panagiota xx
Date: 8/21/2023 11:27:00 AM
Memories of our youth will never b forgotten.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 8/21/2023 1:34:00 PM
We’ll come bavj and Gid Bless you and keep you in his care. This was about my grandson Eddie, Yes, memories of our youth are charmers! As are you., dear Victor, a jewel of a man and fellow poet. You give so much here! Thank you. Pangie
Date: 8/20/2023 1:43:00 PM
A loving wonderful poem! So heartfelt and beautiful. Love it!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 8/20/2023 2:23:00 PM
Hi Elena.. You know this was a poem close to my heart. I prefer my personal life rather than nature stuff which other poets are fantastic at. Not ne.and I am not a having people rolling in the aisles either. . Poetry from me, is my heart beating the rhthyms of my soul. Thank you much, Pangie
Date: 8/20/2023 11:15:00 AM
This is lovingly penned with such obvious fond memories. Wouldn't it be something to have found a poem in our own grandparent papers about ourselves! Hopefully as nice as this one, too. No doubt, some probably have them now.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 8/20/2023 12:11:00 PM
What a unique response, David,..Family counts most to me and is apparent in my poems. As oare love relationships. It would be something if our grandparents wrote about us. I do have my grandfathers birthday card to me, when I was a year old! I feel a connection to him, whenever I see it!)) he lived with us till he passed at age 85. I was 12. But losing someone I love, devastates me! Pangie.
Date: 8/19/2023 1:04:00 PM
Eddie is well on his way to becoming a pro! A wonderful write for a wonderful grandson! I'm sure Eddie is thrilled with this write from his Grandma! Bob
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 8/19/2023 2:30:00 PM
Grandchildren refining skills, learning to drive, play am instrument, and respecting lfe and others, is such a blessing to behold, Bob! Eddie hasn’t seen the poem yet.Children are the sunshine of our days. Even, after they are grown. I know how prouyd you are of your family and rightly so…Thank you…Pangie
Date: 8/19/2023 10:23:00 AM
My friend, a very fine and most lovely poem written about your handsome grandson. I love the picture you chose. I am faving this one. God bless.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 8/19/2023 10:40:00 AM
Hello… dear Robert! It’s fun finding or using photos I took. They are the source for inspiration.Eddie is very accomplished. Baseball, honors student, can play piano, and write poetry. Plus go to the gym for workouts after school. Keeping strong in body is significant to an anyone, especially in sports….glad you are faving this… generous of heart are you.… Many thanks..Pangie.….
Date: 8/19/2023 2:35:00 AM
What a lovely tribute to Eddie, he's a credit to you all. 6ft wow, bet its like being Gulliver to him lol. Tom
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 8/19/2023 9:36:00 AM
Hello,!from across the pond, Tom! Yes, you have known Eddie fir five years. He is actually 6 feet and two inches! Standing next to him, for-me, who is a wee bit of humanity, is like looking up at the Eiffel Tower)) Pangie. Academically, he’s in honors classes!
Date: 8/18/2023 7:38:00 PM
Pangie, such a sweet write about your grandson! I wish time could slow down some. My boys are both grown and have kids and now their kids are getting older. I miss the days of their childhood. Blessings, Kim M
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 8/18/2023 8:11:00 PM
Ah, Kim, time does not conform to grandma’s love and wishes, does it? I think you are very, very fortunate to see to see all those generations. And I know you know the joy and experience that sweet loss of their younger days. That’s the joy and sweet sorrow of being a grandmother. Thanks+ Pangie

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