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Little Bobby

Little kids have a natural curiosity that can catch us off guard too often. Like little Bobby, who went into the kitchen and said, "Mom, can I ask you a question"?" "Okay", says she, "I've time for a few". "I just wanted to old are you"? "That is not a question you ask of a lady in point, if you don't want to get her nose out of joint". "I'm sorry, if I got you upset. So I'll ask instead, How much do you weigh"? "Those are not polite questions you are asking son, and as a lady I'm unwilling to say". "I'm sorry", again, came Bobby's retort. "Why doesn't Dad live with us anymore"? That was it, she'd had enough as she ran him outside, "Go out and play with your friends before I get sore". Out he went, his little attitude shattered, until his friend saw Bobby's face in a frown. He asked Bobby what was going on, to make him so gloomy and so down. After a little conversation about his encounter with mom, his friend's advice cheered him of that there's no doubt. "You can get all that info, you silly goof, Look at her Driver's License and figure it out". Bobby followed his friend's simple words, got the info, and ran into the kitchen by leaps and bounds. Smirkingly he said, "I know how old you're 27, and you weigh 116 pounds." "That's right, how do you know"? her face quizzical "I looked at your Driver's License and just did the math". His mother had to give him some credit, after all, it was an unusual path. "And I know why Dad doesn't live here anymore". "Now that wasn't on my" Driver's Licence", she said rather vexed. "Oh yes it was, it was right there... I saw that you got an 'F' in SEX"! Note: this is an old joke I heard somewhere, and decided to try to put it to rhyme.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 11/6/2015 4:49:00 PM
Oh - such a fun read - Once I got to the bottom, I remembered the joke. I'm glad you took the time to rhyme it and present it as such - I was entertained ... CayCay
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Cwiak Avatar
Dan Cwiak
Date: 12/23/2015 8:00:00 AM
Thanks, CayCay. I always appreciate your comments, as you well know. Just thought I would try rhyming it once.
Date: 10/24/2015 5:51:00 PM
ha ha ha loved the ending Dan - I've not heard this joke before :-) hugs Jan xx
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Dan Cwiak
Date: 10/24/2015 10:23:00 PM
Thanks, Jan. I don't remember where I first heard it, but I have been pretty dry on my rhyme lately, so I thought I would give it a try. Glad you enjoyed it, as I do your comments.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry