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Lil Expensive Box

Woken up angry Discontent Woke up on the wrong side of bed Couldn’t find the lil expensive box I hold in my hand It brings me music It brings me sound So angry I couldn’t find it So angry it wasn’t around This lil expensive box I hold in my hand We are attached Like blood in my veins Like oxygen In the air I breathe It makes me so connected Dings and rings when strangers like my status Or my pictures they have glanced at This lil expensive box I hold in my hand I cant put it down Me and this lil box have become one I cant stop staring at it Cant stop scrolling up and down It has me under a trance Has me under its spell This lil expensive box I hold in my hand Has made me disconnected and alone This lil expensive box Isn’t a gift Its addiction In a shell I cant look up anymore I must look down This lil expensive box I hold in my hand Has taken over my life Its disconnected A face to face connection Relationships are under attack With family n friends With time not spent wisely With love not given With moments gone Never to come back As I sit here scrolling Till the screen goes black Kale Brereton Twitter; @thefreethinkin5

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 12/5/2018 12:05:00 PM
ya happy we didn't have those back in the beatnik days
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Brereton Avatar
Kale Brereton
Date: 1/1/2019 9:51:00 AM
No doubt! Thanks for the comment Sand
Date: 12/5/2018 11:41:00 AM
Creative way to express the use of maybe a cell phone or a tablet. Yes, we all need less computer, TV and the like time. Enjoyed reading your work. Sara
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Kale Brereton
Date: 1/1/2019 9:13:00 AM
Thanks for the comment Sara! I was hoping to bring to light the silent pandemic of addiction to electronic devices and their impact on our daily lives. It’s something very common, yet, not spoken of very often. Thank you for the comment and I wish you the best in the coming year.

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