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Lifes Growing Joy Poem Within a Poem

*** Life’s Growing Joy Poem Within a Poem *** My 70’s may be the decade For reaching my pathway’s Ends and Epiphanies: a service of ‘Lessons and Pains’ — To help my growing…. For example, Truths that I heard repeatedly, I now believe well enough to take My spirit from Dreams to Actuality — metaphorically then — — I lean into the sky as a noteworthy Gnarly Tree… Also a lesson such as, ‘God lives within us,’ although It’s hard for me to understand why Our Holy God opts To be threading through these rickety, — These creaking and oddly angling limbs…. Plus, like so many of the eternal, quite externally-wrought necesities Are thought to bring to us every happiness: from wealth or friends; Or, all the sweet, easy hours of comfort soaking in starlight and sun, — Ignoring the wildly waving grass underneath… The knowing of happines raises its cherished supports not from beyond, But from within hearts treasuring freedom and wonder, Focussed on what is Other — in those moments when ego’s set aside — — While divinely coaxed roots of Joy, grow deeper, longer Through time, betwixt Heaven and Earth to blessedly radiate and thrive… —————————————————————————————————————- (c) 6/22/2023 sally young eslinger Thanks be to God— * (In the Episcopal Church, just before Christmas, there is a service called “Lessons and Carols,” telling the story of the birth of Christ. ** Please note! This could be considered an “Experimental” Poem, because, in a 2nd read, following the dashes, there IS to be found a poem-within-a-poem. Hope you enjoyed them both! Hugs & blessings, sally

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 6/26/2023 3:39:00 PM
Very creative, Sally. Well written, both of them. Write On! my friend. I enjoy following your poetry. A poet friend in Texas, Bill
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Date: 6/25/2023 7:15:00 AM
Sally, your poem is truly magnificent! It evokes emotions of joy and growth as if one is reaching toward the sky. The imagery of the waving grass is particularly fascinating. Both aspects of the poem are equally enjoyable.
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Date: 6/24/2023 11:02:00 AM
Hi Sally clever to have a poem within a poem like a special message - I really enjoyed your write and will definitely follow you. Hugs and blessings Jennifer.
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Sally Eslinger
Date: 6/25/2023 5:38:00 AM
Hi, Jennifer! Love your work. Honored you’ll be following. Thank you. So glad you enjoyed this one! xox sally
Date: 6/23/2023 11:27:00 PM
Thanks be to God indeed, Sally. Without Him we are nothing.
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Sally Eslinger
Date: 6/25/2023 5:40:00 AM
Amen! Thanks for reading and commenting! God bless you!
Date: 6/23/2023 12:19:00 PM
A wonderful write. Yes, I really enjoyed your write. Have a blessed day...................
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Sally Eslinger
Date: 6/25/2023 5:52:00 AM
Paula, so glad to see you and that you enjoyed this poem!Your comment is very appreciated! All my thanks. sally
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Sally Eslinger
Date: 6/25/2023 5:43:00 AM
Paula, so glad to see you and that you enjoyed this poem!Your comment is very appreciated! All my thanks. sally
Date: 6/22/2023 8:37:00 PM
Sally, I felt feelings of joy and growth, leaning into the sky. Interesting that the grass was always there, waving. I liked them both. -Richard
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Sally Eslinger
Date: 6/23/2023 5:08:00 AM
So very glad you did, brother, Raven Richard! Many thanks for your time & consideration to write a comment! Your pal, a most sincerely serene Sal 0:-) A splendid day to you!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things