Life According To Judy
Life is about a daily 'Act of Kindness' and that's all it's about.
You're bustling about in a grocery and happen to see a lady
whom you know is having a bad day so you stop! "WOW you're
hair is beautiful. I wish mine looked like that! She bursts into
a smile and you have succeeded (and it doesn't really matter what
her hair looks like) Success is all that matters.....
You skip on through the aisles and run across a worn out
young mom with two screaming meemies in her basket and
again you stop saying, (the louder the better) "My goodness,
there's no ugly people in your family!" Bingo! she's not so
worn out anymore and what did it cost you? Absolutely Nothing!
See how many people you can make happy, if only for a brief moment. Try
motioning, on a busy street, for someone to get ahead of you
and watch how happy they are!
Just forget about yourself and think of others!
Copyright © Judy Konos | Year Posted 2015
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