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Lazy Coffee

ah, another morning sitting down to write just sneezed on my paper must be a sign I wrote something right but wait! I haven't written anything! oh, come on coffee start to work your magic or I swear I'll fire you and hire tea! to be left idealess is oh so tragic don't make me bend your little beans over my authoritative knee! I hired you to do a job so quit being lazy, coffee! now apologize to pen and paper and get your butt to work for me!!!!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 11/13/2016 10:22:00 PM
Cute poem. Coffee as you write, tea for when you edit, with a nap in-between. :) - Wesley C.
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Date: 11/12/2016 2:52:00 PM
Your intro notes made me smile Christy .. I never drink beer and rarely coffee so I need tea to get my muse into gear and then shes a stroppy mare and still misbehaves like a temperamental teenager lol:-) hugs jan xx
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Christy Stover
Date: 11/13/2016 2:19:00 AM
Thank you, Jan. Your comment made me smile. I think every poet has something beautiful and profound to share with the world. I think every poem has value. I want to show that each poet is a unique individual and has a unique process. I want to encourage the next generation by putting out both my best and my worst. I've talked to a young poet recently who thinks he can only write when he's drunk or high, so I wanted to show drink doesn't matter, your soul is what matters. I just wanted to make a joke this morning.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things