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Lay Your Head

Poet's Notes

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For 8x8x8x8 contest sponcered by:Charles Messina 8 lines, 8 syllables, 8 rhymes (at the beginning of each line), 8 rhymes (at the end of each line. ) aabbccdd
Lay your head lad, upon my breast. Stay safe in my arms, Mama's nest. Take from me nourishment you need. Wake for a time so you may feed. Then back to dreams of angels song. Been away from them, not too long. For from heaven, you came to me. Your destiny waits, but now... sleep.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 2/11/2025 8:34:00 AM
Very sweet Crystol!
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Woods Avatar
Crystol Woods
Date: 2/11/2025 9:54:00 AM
Ty! Xo
Date: 2/10/2025 2:28:00 PM
Your poem is beautifully tender and nurturing, capturing the deep bond between a mother and child. The rhythmic structure of the 8x8x8x8 form gives it a soft, rocking quality, much like a lullaby. The repetition of sounds at both the beginning and end of lines enhances the soothing, melodic flow. Gorgeous!!
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Woods Avatar
Crystol Woods
Date: 2/11/2025 9:54:00 AM
Tysm for your review! So glad to hear you enjoyed it! Xo
Date: 2/9/2025 8:32:00 AM
I enjoy this poem of a mother's love. It is soft and gentle like a lullaby.
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Crystol Woods
Date: 2/9/2025 8:37:00 AM
I'm glad it came across that way... it's what I was hoping for. Breastfeeding is such a magical time between mother and child. Even if one is unable, bottlefeeding can be just a uniting. Thank you! Xo

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