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Laws of Motion First law: An object at rest will stay there wondering how it got there while the object in motion will wander wondering how do I get there. Second Law: Force will often cause the objects in the first law to negotiate a truce. Third Law: For every action there is an inaction responsible for the reaction 2. Law of Universal Aggravation Any two in close proximity to each other will engage in moronic behavior and unchallenged chatter until one holds up a sign. 3. Thermodynamics First Law: Energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can be held hostage by a couch and a bag of chips Second law: Entropy, as a measure of disorder, increases in direct proportion to the number of government employees allegedly “working” from home. Third Law: As the temperature approaches zero the remaining government employees will be told to stay at home. 4. Quantum Superposition: Government employees can exist in multiple states or places simultaneously until retirement. 5. The Doppler Effect: The observed frequency of activity (e.g., sight and sound) is dependent on where the participants are relative to each other. 6. Dormat’s Principle: Light takes the path that enables the politician to never see its shadow.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 1/12/2025 7:42:00 PM
These are hilarious. I hope that the next Congress will pass some of them into Federal Law. lol. ~ gw
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Date: 1/12/2025 6:04:00 AM
Just realised, I fit all of them whilst commenting on your gem. Bag of chips on the way to the football to top it off.
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Date: 1/11/2025 11:08:00 AM
you had me laughing out loud - especially as my hubby is the worst one for moving something then forgetting he's done it and then blames moi who comes across it by accident lol:-) hugs Jan xx
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Date: 1/11/2025 9:49:00 AM
Ha ha John what can I say about your sarcastic, enjoyable wit my friend? First Law," Energy... and a bag of chips." Had me laughing and had to share with my wife Judy, we both laughed because we have acted on and have proven your first law. LOL. This one is a favorite John, thanks for the laugh...
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