Lament For a Lost Friend
O, dreamed of home—a bench to rest my feet,
a warm and feathered coat to keep out cold
O, dreamed of feast--spread with too much to eat.
Emanuel, why did I forget my way?
Oh, imaginary friend who talked to me
please, forgive me for ever doubting you.
I never dreamed I’d end up lost and all alone,
wondering whether there’d be someone for me to love.
Oh my friend
speak to me.
Save me from
doubts and fears.
Liven up
the endless quiet hours.
Walk along
my lonely trail.
Help me
on this endless search.
Is it something that I did
to bring the dark and cold onto me?
Where did we go wrong?
Where did I go wrong?
Why did I forget my way?
Do you even hear my call?
Do you even hear my voice?
I can no longer hide behind my tears.
Emanuel, why did I ever lose my home?
Will I always wonder whether if there’ll be someone for me to love?
Your comfort always felt so warm and good to me
Where did I go wrong to be so lost and alone?
Copyright © Sheri Fresonke Harper | Year Posted 2013
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