Just Within Reach
The sudden fear of my husband's massive heart attack
doing everything I can to counteract
just within reach crying I screech
I'm by his bed in intensive care wanting to reach in
and stroke away his fears
just within reach nothing works for my speech
Wanting to massage his heart but the doctors
only let me stand by and watch
just within reach his heart moves and stretch
The shock of the paddle upon his soul
even outside I long to enfold
just within reach my hands out stretched
His spirit I can't let go even if I see a heavenly glow
I beg it to flow back to his body until old age we both outgrow
just within reach a bet with God I wage
His body so weak he's barely holding on
but he hears my soft voice and a vision of my face
just within reach he touches my hand and besiege
To my husband who is with me today
nothing is out of reach if you have strength and pray.
T Reams
Copyright © Tammy Reams | Year Posted 2015
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