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Good morning 'soupers' I have just changed the name of the central figure above to whom it was originally

written on, I had thought she would have minded being so portrayed, however I have decided on thinking it

over to, put things in their right order and also inserted the word awkward  as a change..' All the best Joe..

just corrected the typo today 30 7 2018
A young girl stood at the school hall wall, Some paper in her hand, She shuffled her shoes while eyeing the views, And the news on a notice board. This space looks so impersonal, the wall so pale and long, While shoe heels clicked (click-clack, clickety-click), “Oh! No” was her thought, So she turned to walk to the class she had just come from, She bumped a teacher passing by, Forms and rulers to the floor did fly! She knelt to help retrieve the mess Showing stick-thin legs under her worn check dress, The lady teacher had a smile “and this one’s yours You’re new of course!” She nodded once or twice, “It’s really good, I think you (should) post This on the spot at the side” And so they did, the teacher and kid That rumpled poem post. “My name is Miss Jane, I hope we meet again You’re Ruth or so I am told”. Now years have rolled on from that school they have gone. No longer there to meet.Ruth did make a housewife proud and love she gave and took (still) in her mind the prose she’d find, and times awhile to write. Throughout the years – cares – smiles and fears, She saved them in a sheaf, past daisy wheel And golf ball type and word processor advent! Until a day in December her Christmas gift was sent, The slim flat box was waiting in season’s wrapping bright She saw it as she opened the door And on came the side wall light. She opened it with nervousness bordering on fright And held the new computer, she thought ‘I’ll never get it right!’ She put it by, a week went past And then a friend called in, She showed it her, “Oh! Don’t despair” Alice said and grinned. “Sit down here, you’ll see my dear” the hour flew right by. Twice more in a week, her Alice did teach Then said “it’s time for you on your own to try Come on now, get a grip!” Ruth took the computer and opened her paper sheaf “Oh dear”, said Ruth as she bumped the desk Sending some to the floor in a mess As she bent to pick them up, a yellowed one caught her eye, It was rumpled at the edges and poor Ruth just started to cry Oh dear, oh dear said Alice should we put it away? No said Ruth in a trembling, I know what Miss Jane would say I think that I will post it..! on this telekinetic screen And yet I still do miss, that old notice board it seems, It only feels like a morning ago Instead of those many long years And so with thin worn fingers, yet Moving still quick for her age She posted that poem forever, Oh! Let’s hope she has passed that awkward stage! © Joe Maverick 11-10-2010

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 1/18/2014 7:17:00 PM
I remember this one and how much I loved it from before too. So many poems and stories I have read on Soup and even still, I probably have only scratched the surface. Thanks for your recent comments on my poetry.
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Date: 12/17/2013 10:40:00 AM
A poem for the ages, Joe. Congrats on the selection. Love, daver
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Date: 12/26/2012 6:50:00 PM
Oh, soooo good, Joe. Love the story. I still remember writing diary in poetry when I first started writing poems. The memories stay with you. Enjoyed yours!
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Date: 11/30/2010 11:14:00 PM
JOe I LOVED reading this one. SO easy for me to understand, this simple and wonderful little story. It would make a good forward like you see in your email box, about an inspiring story! LUv, andrea
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Date: 11/20/2010 2:27:00 PM
Wonderful read Joe I really enjoyed it.Thanks for your kind comment.Teresa/Theoklapoet
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Date: 10/12/2010 11:27:00 AM
I enjoyed reading your poetry today Joe. May you have a wonderful day full of inspiration. Love, Carol
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Date: 10/12/2010 6:03:00 AM
A very interesting of the girl you have penned so well, Joe
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Date: 10/11/2010 4:49:00 PM
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Date: 10/11/2010 3:21:00 PM
The story behind this narrative poem was very good, Joe. I had a shy student like Sue when I was teaching and offered her a lot of encouragement. I hope she is still writing today. Teachers can make a tremendous difference in students' lives. I'm so glad Miss Jane was there to offer Sue some support. Sue never forgot her. A very moving write, Joe. Love, Carolyn
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Date: 10/11/2010 1:19:00 PM
love it, wonderful story
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Date: 10/11/2010 12:52:00 PM
a very interesting write, enjoyed this one...P.D.
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