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Just Around the Corner

Maybe the most deadly disease is just around our corner Carried to our doorstep by an unsuspected foreigner Ebola is lethal with a fatality rate that is extremely high If infected you have a 70% probability that you will die Incubation period can span from one to forty two days If stricken, severe flu like symptoms will leave you in a daze Most symptoms will appear 8 to 10 days after exposure Bleeding from extremities will have you praying for closure There is no cure, a strong immune system is your best defense Why there is still air travel from Africa truly makes no sense Predicted cases to be about 1.4 million by January next year An epidemic like we never seen is upon us, that is very clear If this dreadful virus makes it to your corner. beware! If stricken with this affliction be diligent not to share If this disease become airborne, many millions will succumb Our world will be left in disarray and left feeling utterly numb 10/15/2014 *WHO changed the incubation period from 21 up to 42 days, be safe everyone.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 11/15/2014 8:04:00 AM
SCARY!!! It seems far away right now BUT who knows if it will become a worldwide epidemic! SCARY!!! Huggsies XXX
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Date: 11/5/2014 5:48:00 PM
This deadly disease is a scary thing, especially when no one knows where it will show up next. I hope that it can be controlled, hopefully very soon.... This is a very informative write. Great work, Cecilia! Good luck in the contest!
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Date: 10/25/2014 2:44:00 PM
did you hear about the doctor in NY who brought it back from Africa? Good grief, why are they letting people in the country so easily. they should have to take tests or something!!
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Macfarlane Avatar
Cecilia Macfarlane
Date: 11/2/2014 5:27:00 PM
'Back in 2000, scientists from Europe and the U.S. confirmed that Ebola can spread without symptoms. Asymptomatic infected individuals were found to carry around the virus for up to two weeks after first being exposed to it, and before showing symptoms'.
Macfarlane Avatar
Cecilia Macfarlane
Date: 11/2/2014 5:25:00 PM
Why exactly! I been reading up on Ebola and it's being said that the virus needs to be in your system for a while before it can be detected by tests, so even those coming from Africa could test negative and then test positive later.....SCARY!
Date: 10/24/2014 1:10:00 PM
Hi Cecilia.
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Date: 10/16/2014 9:49:00 PM
oh my gosh, I had no idea how scary this was. I sure hope they do something to curtail this. SPOOKY. GREAT poem on it.
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Cecilia Macfarlane
Date: 11/2/2014 5:31:00 PM
Thanks Andrea
Date: 10/16/2014 7:54:00 AM
Scarey indeed! I can't imagine how the poor people in Africa are feeling.
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Date: 10/15/2014 7:54:00 PM
its a scary revelation if it takes hold excellent piece of writing the moons they bleed in the heavens a passover is upon us back to back diseases will fall upon the land all i do is say a prayer god help those poor people in their suffering and the grief of their families
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Date: 10/15/2014 11:41:00 AM
- Ebola a really scary disease! - However, I read online yesterday that there is a cure .... but that is only tested on mice ... but it works !!! - If I were sick with Ebola, I'd be the first man who'd tried the medicine - The risk of death is very high anyway - a serious topic, Cecilia - Well done! - Good luck in the contest! - oxox // Anne-Lise :)
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Date: 10/15/2014 11:30:00 AM
Oh dear...this is a scourge for sure, Cecelia. I'm very fearful as I has made it our way as well. Very serious topic. Hope it stays clear of you and your loved ones. Hugs
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Date: 10/15/2014 11:12:00 AM
My sentiments exactly. It's hard to be optimistic about this. Jim
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