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It's Snowing

Poet's Notes

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Invented by Edward Ibeh: line 1 to 15:  3,4,2,4,5,3,2,3,2,3,3,5,6,1,5, no rhyme required. 

It's snowing even though it's April and we should be celebrating spring, not building snowmen on our lawns. It's cold and windy, there are no tulips or snowdrops. Winter won't walk away, and I’m left feeling blue.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 7/8/2024 7:46:00 AM
I can't say that I'm surprised, Emile. It's Canada, after all! lol. Here in Baltimore, Maryland it never snows in April. Thank God! Well, July weather should be much better now in your neck of the woods. Hopefully not too hot! Wonderful Yalto, my friend.
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Emile Pinet
Date: 7/8/2024 2:05:00 PM
Thanks, Edward; as always, I appreciate your comments, my friend. Emile.
Date: 4/9/2024 11:09:00 AM
Hello Emile, Like it or not winter is the longest season. It has always been the longest season. Spring and winter always have a battle Winter wants wants to come. to stay and spring wants to come. It seems to me winter never wants to leave. My friend. enjoy your day. Did you see the eclpes? /Darlenel
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 4/9/2024 3:33:00 PM
Hello Emile, I am so pleased that i bring you a smile to your day. You probably had a better view of the eclipse then I did. OIt was not dark enough to see it. the sky was orangey. I am glad that you were able to seeit. My frkiend enjoy your evening./Darlene/
Pinet Avatar
Emile Pinet
Date: 4/9/2024 11:57:00 AM
Thanks, Darlene; you always manage to bring a smile to my day. And yes, I did see the eclipse; it was awesome; my friend, Emile
Date: 4/8/2024 12:58:00 PM
Oh no, where do you live emile? Youv expressed so well here, sun will hopefully be with you really soon. I love the line “ winter wont walk away” the alliterations there is just seamless and how soulful is your verse. Pleasure always reading your work. Sending you light always
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Emile Pinet
Date: 4/8/2024 1:29:00 PM
Thanks, Ink Empress; I live in Toronto, Canada. Your comments have brought a smile to my day, my friend. Emile
Date: 4/8/2024 9:37:00 AM
aww your delightful poem is enough to banish the winter blues Emile, and i love the creative formatting - you are so talented my friend!:-) hugs Jan xx
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Emile Pinet
Date: 4/8/2024 10:18:00 AM
Thanks so much, Jan; you always manage to bring a smile to my day, my friend. Emile

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