It's Harry Potter Day
Its book day at school
My son's all excited
He can dress up in character
From his favourite book
"Hooray" he says
"I'll go as Harry Potter"
"Hmmm are you sure"
"Yes daddy, it's dress up day"
"But Harry Potter" I say
"I love it" he says
"You love the films you mean"
"Yes I love them" he says
"Its book character day though"
"Are there Harry Potter books?" he says
"Yes but you've not read them"
Oh well, too late now I sigh
Costume's bought, friends told
No going back now.....
Just hope he's not asked about the books
Instead with a bit of luck
The teacher can ask the other Harry Potters.….….
Yes, there's three of them!!!
Bet they've not read the books either
Copyright © Rob Carter | Year Posted 2014
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