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Is That Mask Your Wearing Harming You

My friends, an article has been published by a gentleman by the name of Guy Crittenden titled "That mask is giving you lung cancer" Please google and read the article. Why is this important? Well because the gentleman that wrote the article spent 25 years as editor to the Trade Journal HazMat Management, Which incidentally is an award winning magazine. This was posted on Facebook. This is specifically the typical blue mask. This information was also given in the edition of Dell Bigtree's program, The Highwire. When two OSHA experts explain the dangers of wearing a mask. Mask were never design to be worn for long periods of time. When worn for lengthy periods they are very harmful. The Blue mask contains Teflon, and other harmful chemicals. He claims that the mask are Sterilized with Ethylene Oxide, a known carcinogen. Many teachers in various school boards have been experiencing significant symptoms. PTFE when added to the mask can lead to lung cancer. Dont agree, argue with the experts at OSHA. Also he claims wearing a mask all day, will, he claims, cause brain damage. Surgeons wear mask in operating rooms, but those rooms are oxygenated, because of them wearing mask. He is concern for the students and all wearing a mask for extended periods of time. Please google Guy Crittenden " That Mask Is Causing You Lung Cancer. Also be advised that the Powers that be will try to discredit him and lie about the facts and the Truth. Stay well my friends, be Vigilant and May the good Lord watch over you... Please tell others...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 11/6/2020 6:10:00 PM
a good commentary. My sister always hits me with that one "well, surgeons wear them all the time" and this had a rebuttal to that line!! I am most fortunate that I only use mine quite infrequently when I shop and enter the movies. After that, we can remove the mask only "while actively eating" (SO Stupid) they think I'll wear it even if I am NOT eating?? Stupid is as stupid does. I wear a flimsy black mask that says on it "BAA BAA"
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Michael Tor
Date: 11/6/2020 6:48:00 PM
Lol Andrea love your BaaBaa mask. Yes those surgeons that wear the mask and the nurses and techs that assist are in a room that is constantly being oxygenated while they are working. Andrea they know that half of the population are not taking the vaccine so I know they are putting vaccines ingredients in Pepsi, Hershey, and Kraft foods and probably all your big corporate names Coca Cola, Heinz catsup products, and many others. It would not surprise me if they put these same products in our mask. Yes buy the cloth ones or make your own and wash before wearing. God bless you and tell your sister in a nice way to wake up... God bless you...
Date: 10/31/2020 1:25:00 PM
Scary stuff Michael, governments are good at hiding and discrediting the truth. I have little faith in our leaders. We know its all about controlling the masses, the masks causing cancers should not come as a surprise because governments couldn't care less if a few die. Hope you're well. Tom
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Michael Tor
Date: 10/31/2020 4:24:00 PM
Tom your comment is sadly correct. Two things they will demand the vaccine and wearing a mask. They both harm you. Common sense tells you it is not working. Since Fauci was appointed, him and all the New World Order traitors have been saying that six ft distancing and wearing a mask would decrease the infection rate of the so called virus. Guess what the infection rate has increased. The regular flu has increased too. What does that tell you. It is the biggest lie fed to the American people and the world. They will cause, which is planned a world depression. They will also create a real Pandemic through mask wearing and the vaccine. The cash will be gone soon and food shortages are imminent. God help us Tom. If you repeat a lie enough times it convinces people its the truth. Stay well my friend thanks for the visit...
Date: 10/31/2020 11:46:00 AM
Interesting article... There are lots of different views and opinions now...
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Michael Tor
Date: 10/31/2020 12:02:00 PM
Yes there are, but the facts are still facts. Teflon and PTFE one is a carcinogen and the other is harmful. Also many experts and Drs, are saying the same thing. Depriving your brain of oxygen for lengthy periods of time is not good. The recovery rate from this so called virus is 99.7%, slightly lower for the elderly, ask yourself why then are they destroying the worlds economy over such non-lethal so called virus. Thanks for your visit my friend Silent One. I will be visiting... Stay well my friend and stay safe...

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