Interview with the Colour Blue
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Written - 21st March 2024
The Intervuew (2) Poetry Contest - Sponsored by: Anthony Biaanco
Title chosen no. 4 The Colour Blue
“Colours are precious jewels of sky and earth, no one could put a value on their worth.”
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Firstly tell me why you are always blue
”It's my true colour, I was born this hue.”
Ever desire to alter your colour
”No, I am me and wouldn't be another.”
Why do you adore being blue always
”Just look at the sky, blue brightens our days.”
Indeed it does, but what happens at night
”I become midnight blue when stars shine bright.”
So you were not quite truthful at the start
”I was, my colour deepens when it's dark.”
Is there a reason why blue suits you best
”Because blue is nicer than all the rest.”
Are you ever down because you are blue
”Blue makes me feel heavenly, and that’s true.”
Do you mean that it’s blue in paradise
”That is the image held in my mind’s eye.”
Can you say that when you don’t abide there
”I am blue and I have been everywhere.”
It’s been grand talking to you mister blue
”Thank you, visit me soon on Blue Bayou.”
Copyright © Beryl Edmonds | Year Posted 2024
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