Insomnia:Self Induced
Insomnia:self induced
I had a rough night didn't sleep much at all
So i make my coffee strong sweet and tall
Got to wake up and get on with the day
Caffeine infused and sugar laced
Tonight I'll go to bed,not stay up so late,
And meet the dawn if i get there by eight
The afternoon crash comes to me before noon
So another pot of coffee I'll brew, maybe two!
Wow! I'm productive! I get everything done! Start feeling sleepy again ‘ound about one…no more coffee,or I'll never get to bed, so I drink some diet Pepsi instead!
Made it through work,cooked dinner for all…it's 6pm and I'm ready to fall…I'll just have some dessert for energy,black coffee’d go great so i make more for me.
And here i am,wide awake once again. Not sleepy at all and its 2am. I don't understand why i cannot sleep…i stay busy all day and i feel so beat…I finally lay down to try for a few winks…and wake up to the very same thing!
I had a rough night didn't sleep much at all…so i make my coffee, strong sweet and tall.
Copyright © Crystol Woods | Year Posted 2024
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