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with nothing buckled down voices clash in debate-angry lured into playground fury independent thought spinning the air overlapping like the puzzle pieces of poetry words in a labyrinth voices of proclamation boundary pushing clashing against a wall of not listening when independent thought trumpets its sheen of self creation but looses itself in the formless rage of "I am right" justification

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 7/21/2023 1:17:00 PM
Brian, wonderful and creative and congratulations on your win in my Writing Challenge I Words !
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Brian Sambourne
Date: 6/2/2024 1:08:00 PM
Thank you very much for the recognition, Constance. Best wishes. Brian
Date: 7/11/2023 3:57:00 AM
The problem is and will always be, is the fact that most people think they are always right (except the crooked politicians, of course) but then again...aren't they all crooked.(lol) Sorry it took so long to get to read some of your poetry. Hope all is well, my friend. Stay well...Charlie
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Brian Sambourne
Date: 7/11/2023 5:53:00 AM
Hello Charles, thank you for your stop by and for commenting on my poetry. There is rigidity in thought + presentation when arguing politically. I have been guilty of such intransigence myself. Open mindedness is certainly a worthy goal. Be well. Brian
Date: 7/8/2023 6:04:00 AM
With profound insight and contemplation, Brian, you have crafted a magnificent poem. Engaging in discourse with the obstinate "I am Right" faction is an exercise in futility, as eloquently expressed in his words. The mastery of his composition is undeniable.
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Brian Sambourne
Date: 7/11/2023 5:47:00 AM
Greetings Lasaad, You are most generous in your assessment of my poetry. Thank you for your views on my posting. With appreciation, Brian
Date: 7/8/2023 2:51:00 AM
I really like that last line in which it helps explain anyone participation in an argument. Thanks for sharing this one with us and for dropping by my page. Sara
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Brian Sambourne
Date: 7/8/2023 5:57:00 AM
Hi Sara, Thank you for your vote of confidence. My poem wasn't popular in the contest, but a placement is preferable to an NA. Be well. All the best, Brian
Date: 7/7/2023 4:19:00 AM
You cannot debate with the "I am Right" crowd; well written; congratulations.
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Brian Sambourne
Date: 7/7/2023 6:31:00 AM
Hi Terry, Very true. You hit an impermiable wall. Thank you for stop by + comment. Be well. Brian

Book: Reflection on the Important Things