In the Shower
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What? You really expected to see me? ;)
In the shower, in the shower
It all hits me with such power
While shampooing my long hair
As I soap up body....fair? ;)
There where laptop's not in sight
Words explode like dynamite!!!
There where my back needs a rub
When I don't dare leave the tub
There in my soapy sudsy best
Words assail me without rest
When I need my legs to shave
Words assault me, strong and brave
While my hands glide here and there
Poetic soul itself will bare
Poems of the "bardy" type
Come to mind with lots of hype
Once I'm done and towel dry
Can't write a thing, though hard I try!
Now I have this silly rhyme
I must increase my shower time
Or have someone just sitting there
Who has some time for me to spare
Someone who's fast on the keys
If you're the one, then tell me please
You're hired here, right on the spot
You'll be my scribe, "Forget Me Not."
Copyright © Eileen Manassian | Year Posted 2014
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