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In Need of a Banquet

He gave me only crumbs to feed my soul A famished heart in need, I asked for more I could not please him for he was not whole His heart was hers and he had locked that door I longed to eat of banquet of his love The night grew long and in my heart an ache I hid my face and cried to God above And prayed that by his grace I would not wake A little kiss, a quick caress, a sigh The rest was left for dreams to try to fill The fervent plea of heart he did deny My hope of passion’s fullness lingers still Yet bounty of love’s banquet I must taste Another one will feed me what I crave My lavish heart like crumbs I will not waste For I must feast on love before the grave Eileen Manassian August 21, 2014 For Giorgio's Iambic Pentameter Contest Footnote: Today I read a poem by Jan Allison entitled, Free Bird, in which she wrote of being thrown some crumbs. My response to her: “We all need love and affection. Crumbs must turn to banquet soon.” Thus, this poem was born. ? Inspiration works in mysterious ways. Thanks Jan for the seed! Give Jan's poem a read. It is sweet.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 9/3/2014 6:21:00 PM
sweetie, you are one of my favorite poets here, I really do enjoy reading and rereading your words, and I am glad to reread this from the winners list, grats beautiful you rock :)
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Date: 9/3/2014 8:50:00 AM
Another beautiful write. You really have a way with words.
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 9/3/2014 8:55:00 AM
:) You are very kind. Thank you!
Date: 9/2/2014 8:16:00 AM
And back again wid huge congrats my dear poetic queen Eileen! I always believe in ur writes to be winners! U hv a unique pen my friend!
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 9/2/2014 8:43:00 AM
Thank you, my sweet Dr Upma. Love you for your kind words. :)
Date: 9/1/2014 10:22:00 AM
Whoa!!!! "I'll have what she's having". Great write Eileen.
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 9/1/2014 10:24:00 AM
;) HA HA HA HA! Good one, John. Thanks for the visit!
Date: 9/1/2014 5:03:00 AM
Very sweet write. I agree, to poets the inspiration is key word. It has worked fully in this write, Eileen. congrats
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 9/1/2014 8:10:00 AM
Thank you for the visit, Dr Ram. Appreciate it.
Date: 9/1/2014 1:28:00 AM
Inspired indeed Eileen. Lovely poem. Congratualtions. Love, Joyce
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 9/1/2014 8:10:00 AM
Good to have you here visiting, Joyce. I do appreciate it.
Date: 8/31/2014 6:53:00 PM
Congratulations Eileen. So beautifully said and I love the last verse.
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 9/1/2014 8:11:00 AM
:) Glad a certain part spoke to your heart, Brenda. Thanks for paying me a visit today.
Date: 8/31/2014 5:57:00 PM
- Beautiful poem !!! - Congratulations with your great 2nd place in contest dear Eileen! - Really deserved !!!! - oxox // Anne-Lise :)
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 9/1/2014 8:12:00 AM
Thanks for thinking this piece is deserving, Sunshine! As usual, you bring me joy. Hugs
Date: 8/20/2014 10:20:00 PM
''I longed to eat of banquet of his love'' went right over my head:) Still trying to grasp that line. Your poem is a unique expression, notably inspired by another fine poetess. I can't stand when these Ads on the side of the page cut off verses of poems. I can only see,Today I read a poem by Jan Allison entitled Free Bird, in which she wrote of being throw...." THx for you visit to the ebonics poem. I never enter contests, but that one was fun. My mom's maiden name is Black.
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Jslambert Mister Roboto
Date: 8/21/2014 9:45:00 AM
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 8/20/2014 10:30:00 PM
HI, JS...ebonics is tough to write for. I really can't do it. I'm off the contest route for a while. If you read my name footless you'll see why. I'll get back in there...perhaps. I just enjoy writing from the heart. Yes...its a shame that things get cut off. Jan had written about a bird wanting to be thrown some crumbs, and I posted to her..."we all need love and attention. Crumbs should turn to a banquet." Thus, this poem. Crumbs seem to be a popular word. I see you used it in your last write. Thanks for your visit.
Date: 8/20/2014 8:32:00 PM
You are a master Eileen, I so very much enjoy reading your poetry, you are an inspiration and a creative...poet! awesome one!
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 8/20/2014 10:32:00 PM
Wow, Cas. I'm touched by this post. I love being referred to as poet. I love writing and it is my lifeline. My mama thought I'd be a writer one day. She died in 2000. I miss her. Her belief in me and my writing abilities meant the world to me. Thanks for these kind words.
Date: 8/20/2014 8:01:00 PM
An " Old Lady " you say, no no, you're a Fine Lady, pretty, passionate and brilliantly poetic...J.A.B.
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 8/20/2014 10:35:00 PM
And you are an extremely kind man. Thank you, Justin. I miss my heydays back when I felt beautiful. Oh well, seasons come and go...there is nothing we can do to stay the hands of time. I know revel in my daughter's beauty. :)
Date: 8/20/2014 4:17:00 PM
Eileen...No man who feeds a special lady crumbs is worth the thought,the dream and love.If We make the best dinner for someone,and his payback gesture is to feed us his crumbs..Ow nah!!We are worth more than that.You 've been so insired by the amazing poem Jan written..Ow yes I love this outstanding result.Deep as your heart.
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 8/20/2014 4:22:00 PM
Sweetie...Life isn't always so simple...That is how things SHOULD be though. Thank you for visiting me, my sweet. Love should be reciprocal...always. But it hardly ever is. Stop by Jan's poem if you get the chance...HUGS
Date: 8/20/2014 2:49:00 PM
We all dream of the feast but many times are left with just crumbs....Wonderful Eileen...hugs Tim
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 8/20/2014 4:22:00 PM
That is true, my dear. That is true. Thanks for visiting. Hugs back!
Date: 8/20/2014 1:51:00 PM
May love save us from an early grave Eileen. This poem of love quest impells me to quote the great adage, " Waste not, want not..." a beautiful seeking in this write Eileen...J.A.B.
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 8/20/2014 4:25:00 PM
Yes, Justin...I guess it is just my age playing with my heart...I'm not young anymore though inside...I still feel young. I may not show it, but I'm you know. I'm an old lady! ;) There comes a time when you assess your life...and you want to achieve, experience, taste...everything. You never know what tomorrow may bring. I'm one to love a love feast...Crumbs crush the soul. Oh...but I'm waxing eloquent. Thanks for the visit. You make me think...
Date: 8/20/2014 1:42:00 PM
This is good. Sometimes we think we are going to have a banquet and wind up eating street food. We all deserve a banquet before we die. Today I'm feeling a little better. Many blessings... Lucilla
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 8/20/2014 4:27:00 PM
Or...the banquet provider is preparing a banquet for someone else...There is always a banquet somewhere, my dear. I'm so glad you are feeling better. My heart is with you.
Date: 8/20/2014 11:10:00 AM
Wow, well done Eileen
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 8/20/2014 4:27:00 PM
JT...I'm glad you are visiting again.
Date: 8/20/2014 10:21:00 AM
A wonderful iambic pentameter filled with the essence of love! Never one should allow himself to receive only crumbs instead of what he/she deserves: A full banquet. For love is to offer the whole of ourselves to others and ask no less for ourselves from them! Excellent and thought-provoking.
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 8/20/2014 4:29:00 PM
Yes, one should never allow that, but there are confines in life, my dear you well know. Ti na sou po? Thanks for the visit to my work. It is SO SO good to have you back. I've missed you here! Very much....Meeneh
Date: 8/20/2014 8:03:00 AM
Sorry for spells Eileen! That nasty autocorrect did it my dear!
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 8/20/2014 4:31:00 PM
HAHA! That happens to me too....and some of the funniest things as well!
Date: 8/20/2014 8:02:00 AM
I lene this is an emotive masterpiece my friend , loved much, thnx for sharing! Thnx for sharing! I wud love to read ur inspiration now!
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 8/20/2014 4:31:00 PM
Thank you, my dear Dr Upma. You are a warm hug to me today!
Date: 8/20/2014 7:51:00 AM
In that case, thanks to Jan for inspiring this powerful piece. You have a way of drawing in the reader to your experience and emotions. That's why I am hooked on your writing Eileen.
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 8/20/2014 4:33:00 PM
We have never met, Richard, but the friendship we have has been forged through the magic of words. :) You know me so well. You see my soul in what I write. I appreciate that, for my words are a living entity of their heart on the outside! Thanks for reading and responding. You know how I feel about your haven't written terzanelles of late.
Date: 8/20/2014 7:38:00 AM
WOW Eileen I am glad I inspired you with my simple words. Guess we all need our heart and souls feeding and refreshing from time to time. Am favouriting this:-) Hugs jan xxx
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 8/20/2014 4:35:00 PM
Yes, you did, my dear. :) The "give me a crumb" so got to me...then when I answered with...a crumb must turn to a banquet...I know that a poem would flow from my heart. Thank you. Hugs

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry