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Immanent Yet Transcendent

Immanent, at the heart of blood of the One who made Me, I am part of the great I am, the flesh and bone of His Magnificent creation. As concrete as the firmament of earth, And as solid as the moon and stars that exist in the sky. Nascent as the first rose of summer and first newborn child Every fiber of my body is connected with tissue and brain. New to this interplanetary home I often exist alone, Transcending the overpass of life sometimes, go beyond. Yet the lessons I have learned in this lifetime have been slow Eager to experience the comforting light of the au de la, To a higher order I have entrusted my journey towards home. Transcending time and space I fly towards the Universal hub of Reincarnation, checking my Akashic records and knowing that my Algorithms have been installed in me long before I was born. No greater joy on earth than moving upward and beyond, in a Sacred manner. I breathe in, hold my breath, then breathe out Climbing up the invisible ladder of spiritual success and Enlightenment. All of His philosophical teachings given through Nacre moments of pure intent. Like the Mother of Pearl when the Dharma wheel turns I follow its winding path, without push I Ease into the shift and become one with the Omnipotent Light. Nascent as the first rose of summer, a first newborn child, Trusting I will be well received, on the other side....

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 10/5/2023 6:57:00 PM
A very deep spelling out of self and the spirit’s believing future, past, being. Concise writing from a loving heart. Superb, Vie. I’ve been struggling after surgery on 9/18, so have missed u & thought of u lots. Big hugs, sis! sally
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Rose  Avatar
Mystic Rose Rose
Date: 10/6/2023 5:39:00 AM
I am glad to hear your feeling better and writing again dear Sally, your health comes first, the fact that you are writing again, I'm hoping is a sign of healing. Love you xo
Date: 10/5/2023 1:15:00 PM
Now this is a long acrostic, you did really well fitting so much here.. so much wisdom in your poetic words.. Clever idea for the contest..
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Rose  Avatar
Mystic Rose Rose
Date: 10/5/2023 3:37:00 PM
Thank you my friend, It was on a subject that interest me much, so it makes it much easier to write :)
Date: 10/5/2023 1:46:00 AM
Your poem is absolutely beautiful. Such a way with words.
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Rose  Avatar
Mystic Rose Rose
Date: 10/5/2023 2:59:00 AM
thank you dear Karen, I appreciate your visit here. Sending you heart blessings, :)
Date: 10/5/2023 1:14:00 AM
Oh my, dear Rose, this has to be one of my top FAVs from you..The way you've described His supreme power and the strength of enlightenment one recieves when surrendering to the Almighty..It brings eternal peace and the answers to all the questions become crystal clear, which otherwise were strolling in the hazy environment. So many lines I loved here especially "Nascent as the first rose of summer and first newborn child "," the Mother of Pearl when the dharma wheel turns I follow its.."Just wow
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Rose  Avatar
Mystic Rose Rose
Date: 10/5/2023 2:59:00 AM
Hi Hiya, I can tell you own a Spiritual Light of your very own, would love to chat more sometime with you about spirituality, :)
Date: 10/5/2023 1:09:00 AM
That is a long acrostic. You are very good at them. Well done. Hugs and blessings.
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Rose  Avatar
Mystic Rose Rose
Date: 10/5/2023 2:58:00 AM
Thank you Victor, I hope your keeping well. You are always in my prayers dear friend :)

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry