In that Judaean desert all alone
For forty days and nights Jesus did roam
He fasted on every day of the stay
Ignoring all temptation sent his way.
Though Satan tried in every way he could
His efforts failed, as Jesus knew they would
Though hungry in that hostile wilderness
No law of God would he ever transgress.
Jesus knew that to walk toward God's light
Taking the path that leads one to the right
Guarantees a place in Heaven above
Therein to live forever in God's love.
Thus Jesus ignored Satan's siren song
And taught us to distinguish right from wrong
Teaching us that faith is all humans need
To prepare ignoring sin, hate and greed.
For there's a room prepared for us to dwell
Safe from the devious devil’s dark hell
Faithful believers are led to that place
To embrace the splendour of Heaven’s grace.
Copyright © Beryl Edmonds | Year Posted 2023
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