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In that Judaean desert all alone For forty days and nights Jesus did roam He fasted on every day of the stay Ignoring all temptation sent his way. Though Satan tried in every way he could His efforts failed, as Jesus knew they would Though hungry in that hostile wilderness No law of God would he ever transgress. Jesus knew that to walk toward God's light Taking the path that leads one to the right Guarantees a place in Heaven above Therein to live forever in God's love. Thus Jesus ignored Satan's siren song And taught us to distinguish right from wrong Teaching us that faith is all humans need To prepare ignoring sin, hate and greed. For there's a room prepared for us to dwell Safe from the devious devil’s dark hell Faithful believers are led to that place To embrace the splendour of Heaven’s grace.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 7/21/2023 10:16:00 AM
Belle, beautiful poem and congratulations on your win in my Writing Challenge I Words !
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Edmonds  Avatar
Beryl Edmonds
Date: 7/21/2023 11:44:00 AM
Thank you so much Constance, I really do appreciate my win in your contest… Belle
Date: 7/9/2023 5:50:00 AM
Amen! a well deserved win sister Beryl, I admire your strong belief and faith.
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 7/9/2023 5:55:00 AM
Thank you brother John, very much… Sis Belle
Date: 7/8/2023 2:44:00 PM
Congratulations, Belle. I am glad to see you won the most deserving piece… And I’m afraid she expressed your faith. That’s a big deal to me.. in a world that has no space for God. I am glad there is you.! Panagiota xxx
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 7/9/2023 2:25:00 AM
Thank you so much Panagiota, I’m glad there’s you too… Belle
Date: 7/7/2023 1:13:00 AM
- A lovely poem, Belle ... congratulations on your win :) - hugs
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 7/7/2023 1:30:00 AM
Thank you Anne-Lise, most grateful, Belle
Date: 7/6/2023 6:50:00 PM
Congrats, Belle. And thanks for sharing this powerful poem and message.
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 7/7/2023 1:29:00 AM
Thank you Curtis, truly appreciated. Belle
Date: 7/6/2023 5:04:00 AM
Hi, Belle! What a Superb poem! I think of Jesus praying in the garden SO VERY often, so i am thankful you felt inspired to create & post this excellent work! You have painted the scope of rge scene so magbificently. I am thankful this morning to have read this. God bless you!
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 7/6/2023 2:46:00 PM
Sally I am thankful to you too, for reading this poem and commenting, it’s so kind of you. I often think of Jesus and what He went through, so strong He was to not give in to temptation, how brilliant and bright His faith shone throughout those lonely days and nights. Thank you and bless you… Belle
Date: 7/5/2023 10:52:00 PM
The temptations of Jesus. Books of meditation were written on it. Pity many prefer crowded markets for their fun. I pray for them. No one should go to hell. A great spiritual poem dear Belle. Best for a win.
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 7/6/2023 3:58:00 PM
Thank you Victor , I so agree no one should go to hell, we all have the choice to do wrong or right. follow the light or live in the dark, just follow your heart… Belle
Date: 7/5/2023 7:37:00 PM
Poem written - 6th July 2023 - Writing Challenge, I Words Poetry Contest - Sponsored by: Constance La France
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