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If Only I Was

I stared into the crowd, hearts of many with open ears My heart was pounding and I froze in my in my thoughts The microphone stood idly by, and I felt as if my voice left me all at once Paralyzed I felt my tounge begin to dance, and I sang I sang my heart out, I sang with my soul The crowd began to weep to my lyrics A melody of a distant love awoke with in the air I felt my lungs top to their peak as I sang the last few words As a poet I pen to her, my one and only I write to her beauty, her scent, her touch Her smile drives my heart into overdrive and I speed in affection If only I could be a singer I would sing to her song I drown in my own flaws to see I sing to choke on my own tears Will I ever believe, will I ever sing If only I could sing, I would sing her a song

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 1/11/2010 1:24:00 PM
edward, this is really really good one from you. SO glad I found it . Very heartfelt and wonderfully expressed. bye now,Andrea
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Date: 1/7/2010 3:55:00 PM
You are singing,and yourr voice is deep and touching..Charma
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Date: 12/13/2009 10:36:00 PM
Sounds like a song to me, and a beautiful one that would warm and please her heart very much. Very nice write, Eduardo. Thanks for sharing. Caroline.
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Date: 12/13/2009 2:48:00 PM
But you ARE singing her a song, Eduardo! "Her smile drives my heart into overdrive and I speed in affection" says sooo much. How I wish we could all touch someone so deeply. Beautiful poem, and it's so nice to see you posting again. Merry Christmas, my friend. Love, Carolyn
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