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Idle Olympics

There should be an idle Olympics, one where you don't cycle or run, and instead of diving, there's synchronised skiving where teams of four get nothing done. A training camp for doing little would certainly pick up my vote, full of amateur loafers sprawled out on the sofas not caring about where's the remote. Gold medals for staring at ceilings that have needed repainting for years, a silver for shirking, a bronze for not working with an audience too idle to cheer. No sports fitness coaches to nag you, or physios to massage your joints, starting gun's in the drawer should you need it- what for? As we all shrug, and say 'what's the point?' I'll put my name down for team GB, her indoors says 'you've nothing to prove, you're already a winner' as she makes my dinner and I can't be bothered to move.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 9/13/2021 11:27:00 AM
I'd try out for your team, Viv, but it seems like too much work.
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Date: 8/5/2021 5:04:00 PM
ha ha ha what a fabulous rhyme, hope that you Janet and the lovely Celeste are keeping well:-) hugs Jan xx only surfing I want to do is sofa surfing lol
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