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I Wonder If You

I just wonder... If you would have loved me if you had not read the imperfect sonnet that I wrote for you in a piece of paper adorning it with petals of roses: my first scribble of love to you If you would have heard the jingles of the anklets of my mind when she enacted with graceful moves and expressed her yearnings for her beloved in the performance of Bharatanatyam: if I hadn't scribbled them to you my words If you could read the lyrics of a special song hidden in my heart that I am yet to pen and tune to music to sing it for you whenever I meet you: if I do not likely get a chance to compose and sing my verses of devotion for you If you could figure out the meaning of the empty lines in-between in the stanzas of a poem I phrased in the diary of my mind's memoirs if you happen to read them. And if you figure out, will you try to fill those lines up... if my mourning muse never wishes to fill them with her gloomy grey ink? ...I just wonder

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 9/13/2023 1:39:00 PM
There is a lot wonderments in your deep and emotive poem... I hope there are no gloomy lines in your morning ink..
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Jayasankar Avatar
Anitha Jayasankar
Date: 9/13/2023 10:04:00 PM
S1, this is a fiction. I have rarely included my personal stories in my poems here, so far. My inky has been and will always be bright and cheerful as ever. Thank you so much for finding time to sponsor contest, in spite of your busy schedule and thank you for my placement. God bless ~ Ani
One Avatar
Silent One
Date: 9/13/2023 1:39:00 PM
Thanks for writing and congratulations on your placement.
Date: 9/9/2023 2:26:00 PM
This is simply gorgeous dear Anitha. So many wonderful verses. So tender. I especially love the last stanza and the last words, as it started, ….I just wonder. Says so much. Loved it. Thank you so much for writing it for your loving heart. Hugs to you. Xx
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Date: 9/7/2023 3:13:00 AM
Oh this is such a heartfelt and deep poem that reflects wondering of a heart hued with palpable emotions.. "Jingles of the anklets of my mind", "special song hidden in my heart", "if my mourning muse never wishes to fill them with her gloomy grey ink" Ah, this write is definitely whirled within a vulnerable dimension.. And has been carved with breathtaking lines.. Love it so much!
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Date: 9/5/2023 9:18:00 PM
Welcome bac, Anitha, I've missed your lovely poetry, my friend. Smiles ~ Blessings Bill
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Date: 9/4/2023 10:36:00 PM
Happy to see you back Ani with your lovely poetry ! The first scribble to a loved one, however imperfect it would be, will greatly be relished. A beautiful entry for the contest. All the best dear friend !
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Date: 9/4/2023 3:12:00 PM
Anitha, this is really beautiful and a very poignant poem. Love it
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Date: 9/1/2023 6:48:00 AM
A very lovely, beautiful poem Anitha. Anklets of my mind...many other wonderful images and connections. Felt it. Bob
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