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I Am Robot

Poet's Notes

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Most of us go through each morning with the same routine as we always do. I am guilty of that myself. In many ways we are all alike. We are robot.



Prepmiere contest no 145

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I wake up to the dawn of each day As I lay there in the Twi-light zone I momentarily wonder, have I awoken Or am I still somewhere in my dream Like clock work I realize that I woke up to yet another sunrise I promptly head to the head, wash my hands and brush my teeth And then, I head straight for the coffee pot As I sit in the same chair as I do every morning I sip my coffee that I have diluted With the same amount of milk and sugar as I always do Then click, my lap top goes on I immediately go to PoetrySoup or Facebook And then, I see all the other robots on here.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 8/8/2020 8:28:00 PM
Ha, ha! We await the Zombie Apocalypse, Charlie. Oh, no! Here it comes... Gotta run! lol. Cheers, Gershon
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Date: 5/2/2018 12:59:00 PM
ha ha ha I have a similar routine lol:-) but I drink tea and don't do 2facedbook only PS:-) hugs jan xx
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Charles Messina
Date: 5/2/2018 1:14:00 PM
I do like tea as well, especially iced, in the summertime. Thanks for reading agent Jan (lol) hugs Charlie xx

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry