Human Rights To Humans Right
On this subject of fair play, as War has had, its deathly day
Where once it had meaning, and came from the heart
Families moved on with a different start.
In Fairness and War
These rules were laid down
Where ever they fell
In cities and towns.
To tend the injured, or sick on land
To tend the injured, or sick at sea
To treat the prisoners of war as well
To treat us civilians in war yippee!!
Its civilian life that bears modern brunt
Families of taken that have to request their rights
Many a murder out of the theatres of War
What do these placed people take us for.
A store teller shot in the evening one night
The shooters the COWARDs, take hurried flight
They need not to run, if they were not there before
Intent of rob, what ever the score.
Once they are caught, cocky bastards they be
Honestly officer, it was'nt me
I was out of State, out of the Country
Before you pin it, what evidence have ye?
On many an occassion, the guilty are caught
Some schooled, some never taught
No reasons are given, as you ask them to say
What were their motives, on that given day.
The cocky will speak, as the solemn ones are quiet
The cocky ones open, where the quiet self riot
As they both look back, at the actions of they
Changes many lives i have to say.
It goes to court, in this Corporate world
Barristers, Lawyers playing human twirl
Dollars and Sterling to get these guys off
They are guilty as sin, as they silently scoff.
In many cases, in our SOCO scenes
The evidence is clear as it means
Yet many a killer, from many a scene
Lives for ever, if you know what i mean.
The fairness of a life for a life
A festered equation in this human strife
A family has lost a father and friend
His killers not on their journeys end
Instead they live for years to come
An incredible sentence for this deadly scum.
Copyright © James Fraser | Year Posted 2009
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